Identity-based Searchable Encryption Scheme for Encrypted Email System
Abstract:In encrypted email system, the public key searchable encryption technology can effectively solve the problem of searching for encrypted emails without decryption. In view of the complex key management problem of public key searchable encryption, an identity-based cryptosystem is introduced in the encrypted mail system. For the offline keyword guessing attack problem of searchable encryption, the method of encrypting keywords and generating trapdoors are adopted at the same time, and the server is designated to search for encrypted emails. At the same time, under the random oracle model, based on the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption, the scheme is proved to satisfy the trapdoor and ciphertext indistinguishable security. The numerical experiments show that the scheme has higher computational efficiency than the existing schemes in the keyword trapdoor generation and keyword ciphertext test phase.
表 1 常用密码操作的计算时间[17]
操作 ${T_{\rm{p}}}$ ${T_{\rm{e}}}$ ${T_{\rm{m}}}$ ${T_{\rm{h}}}$ 时间(ms) 16.064 1.882 0.013 0.006 表 2 计算量比较
方案 Cw Trapdoor Test 文献[14]
方案$3{T_{\rm{p}}} + 2{T_{\rm{h}}} + 6{T_{\rm{m}}}$ ${T_{\rm{p}}} + {T_{\rm{h}}} + 4{T_{\rm{m}}}$ $3{T_{\rm{p}}} + 2{T_{\rm{h}}} + 2{T_{\rm{m}}} + {T_{\rm{e}}}$ 文献[3]
方案${T_{\rm{h}}} + {T_{\rm{m}}} + 3{T_{\rm{e}}}$ ${T_{\rm{p}}} + {T_{\rm{h}}} + {T_{\rm{e}}}$ $2{T_{\rm{p}}} + {T_{\rm{m}}} + 2{T_{\rm{e}}}$ 本文方案 $2{T_{\rm{p}}} + {T_{\rm{h}}} + 3{T_{\rm{e}}}$ ${T_{\rm{h}}} + 3{T_{\rm{m}}} + 4{T_{\rm{e}}}$ $2{T_{\rm{p}}} + {T_{\rm{m}}} + 2{T_{\rm{e}}}$ 表 3 通信量比较
方案 ${\rm{S}}{{\rm{K}}_{{\rm{ID}}}}$ ${ {{C} }_w}$ Trapdoor 文献[14]方案 $\left| {{G_1}} \right|$ $3\left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {{Z_{\rm{P}}}} \right|$ $2\left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {{Z_{\rm{P}}}} \right|$ 文献[3]方案 $\left| {{Z_{\rm{P}}}} \right|$ $2\left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| h \right|$ $\left| {{G_{\rm{T}}}} \right| + \left| h \right|$ 本文方案 $\left| {{G_1}} \right|$ $2\left| {{G_1}} \right| + \left| {{G_{\rm{T}}}} \right|$ $2\left| {{G_1}} \right|$ 表 4 对参数的主要性质
参数类型 基域(bit) Dlog安全(bit) 椭圆曲线次数 Type - A 512 1024 2 -
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