The Effects of Complex Weather and Sea Wind on the Performance of Space-borne Passive Interferometric Microwave Detection System
摘要: 基于微波辐射无源探测系统的目标探测方程,该文探讨了云、雾和雨等复杂天气以及海风对天基被动干涉微波辐射无源探测系统的影响,定量化仿真分析了这些因素对系统探测能力的影响,实验验证了被动干涉微波辐射无源探测系统对云层的穿透能力。研究结果表明:云、雾和雨等复杂天气对被动干涉微波辐射无源探测系统对海面目标的探测有一定的影响,但在低频段云雾影响较小,可忽略不计;而降雨会对系统的目标探测能力影响较大;海风对海面金属目标的探测是有利的,而海风对隐身目标探测是不利的,会降低系统的探测能力。Abstract: Based on the target detection equation of the passive interferometric microwave system, the effects of complex weather on the detection ability of the passive interferometric microwave system are discussed for the sea surface target, such as clouds, fog and rain, and sea winds. Quantitative simulations are also performed to assess the effects of these previous mentioned factors. The experiments are also performed to demonstrate the passive interferometric microwave system penetrating the clouds. Both theoretical and simulation results show that complex weather has a negative impact on the passive interferometric microwave systems in the sea target detection, such as clouds, fog and rain. However, the impacts can be neglected in low frequency, since the impacts of clouds in low frequency is very small. On the other hand, rainfall will seriously degrade the system’s target detection capability. Sea winds have a positive impact in the metallic target detection. However, sea winds have a negative impact and reduce the system’s detection capability for the stealthy target detection.
Key words:
- Passive detection /
- Complex weather /
- Sea wind
表 1 温度10°、星下点,雾高100 m的衰减(dB)
雾型 能见度(km) 雾含水量$({\rm{g}}/{{\rm{m}}}^{3})$ 94 GHz 37 GHz 23.8 GHz 18.7 GHz 10.7 GHz 平流雾 重雾0.05 11.3135 4.8569 1.0016 0.4305 0.2686 0.0890 浓雾0.20 1.5583 0.6690 0.1380 0.0593 0.0370 0.0123 中雾0.50 0.4203 0.1805 0.0372 0.0160 0.0100 0.0033 轻雾1.00 0.1560 0.0670 0.0138 0.0059 0.0037 0.0012 表 2 温度10°、星下点、不同云型的衰减(dB)
云型 云底层(km) 云底层(km) 含水量$({\rm{g}}/{{\rm{m}}}^{3})$ 94 GHz 37 GHz 23.8 GHz 18.7 GHz 10.7 GHz 晴空积云 0.5 1 0.50 1.0732 0.2213 0.0951 0.0594 0.0197 卷积云 5.0 7 0.10 0.8586 0.1771 0.0761 0.0475 0.0157 低层云 0.5 1 0.25 0.5366 0.1107 0.0476 0.0297 0.0098 浓积云 1.6 2 0.80 1.3738 0.2833 0.1238 0.0760 0.0252 表 3 温度10°、星下点、不同雨型衰减(dB)
雨型 降雨率(mm/h) 94 GHz 37 GHz 23.8 GHz 18.7 GHz 10.7 GHz 微雨 0.25 12.9574 1.5068 0.4642 0.2235 0.0281 小雨 1.00 36.7631 5.1375 1.8805 1.0317 0.1604 中雨 4.00 96.5170 17.5168 7.6177 4.6378 0.9154 大雨 16.00 219.3243 59.7251 30.8595 20.5155 5.2244 表 4 X波段综合孔径微波辐射计系统相关参量
指标 参量 中心频率 10.65 GHz 带宽 100 MHz 积分时间 100 ms 天线类型 Y型 天线个数 19 单元间距 0.95倍波长 -
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