Online Anomaly Detection for Virtualized Network Slicing
Abstract:In virtualized network slicing scenario, one anomaly Physical Node (PN) or Physical Link (PL) in substrate networks will cause performance degradation of multiple network slices. For new measurements are achieved in each period, two online anomaly detection algorithms to monitor the working states of substrate networks in real time are designed. An online One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM) algorithm is first proposed in this paper to detect the working states of PNs. Without requiring any labeled data, the model parameters of OCSVM can be updated based on the new measurements of Virtual Nodes (VNs) in each iteration. Then, an online Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) based PL anomaly detection algorithm is proposed according to the natural correlation of measurements between neighboring VNs of virtual links. With a small amount of labeled data, the algorithm can accurately analyze the working states of PLs. The simulation results verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed online anomaly detection algorithms for the virtualized network slicing.
表 1 基于在线OCSVM的PN异常检测算法
初始化:总迭代次数$T$,特征空间维度$D$,随机初始化PN $q(0 \le q \le Q)$的估计值${{{w}}_q}(0),{\rho _q}(0)$和${\xi _q}(0)$ (1) for $t = 0,1,2,···,T$ do (2) PN $q$产生新的训练样本${{{x}}_q}(t)$,使用随机近似函数计算$\varphi ({{{x}}_q}(t))$的近似值${z_q}(t)$ (3) 根据式(8a)、式(8b)和式(8c)计算${{\text{∇}} _{ { {{w} }_q} } }{f_q}(t),{{\text{∇}}_{ {\rho _q} } }{f_q}(t)$和${{\text{∇}} _{ {\xi _q} } }{f_q}(t)$ (4) 根据式(7a)、式(7b)和式(7c)计算${{{w}}_q}(t),{\rho _q}(t)$和${\xi _q}(t)$ (5) 计算$g({{{x}}_q}(t)) = {\rm{sgn}} ({{{w}}^{\rm{T}}}(t) \cdot {{{z}}_q}(t) - \rho (t))$ (6) if $g({{{x}}_q}(t)) = = 1$ then (7) 判定当前时刻PN $q$为正常节点,更新参数${{{w}}_q}(t),{\rho _q}(t)$和${\xi _q}(t)$ (8) else (9) 判定当前时刻PN $q$为异常节点,保留$t - 1$时刻参数值,丢弃当前值 (10) end for 表 2 基于在线CCA的PL异常检测算法
初始化:初始标签采样个数$t$,映射到物理路径${\rm{P}}{{\rm{N}}_m}\mathop \to \limits^{{\rm{P}}{{\rm{L}}_{m,m + 1}}} {\rm{P}}{{\rm{N}}_{m + 1}}$两端的${\rm{VN}}{{\rm{F}}_l}$和${\rm{VN}}{{\rm{F}}_{l + 1}}$测量数据${{U}}(t)$和${{Y}}(t)$,控制门限值$T_{r,{\rm{cl}}}^2$,迭
代次数$T$(1)计算${{U}}(t)$和${{Y}}(t)$的协方差矩阵和均值向量:${{{\varSigma}} _{{{U}}(t)}},{{{\varSigma}} _{{{Y}}(t)}},{{{\varSigma}} _{{{U}}(t){{Y}}(t)}},[{c_1}(t)\;...\;{c_p}(t)]$和$[{d_1}(t)\;...\;{d_q}(t)]$ (2) for $t = t + 1:T$ do (3) 根据式(16)、式(17)计算${{{\varSigma}} _{{{U}}(t)}}$, ${{{\varSigma}} _{{{Y}}(t)}}$和${{{\varSigma}} _{{{U}}(t){{Y}}(t)}}$ (4) 根据式(11)对矩阵${{K}}(t)$进行奇异值分解 (5) 根据式(12)计算典型相关变量${{J}}(t)$和${{L}}(t)$ (6) 根据式(13)生成最优异常检测残差${{r}}(t)$ 并建立${T^2}$检验:$T_{r(t)}^2 = {{{r}}^{\rm{T}}}(t){{\varSigma}} _{r(t)}^{ - 1}{{r}}(t)$ (7) if $T_{r(t)}^2 \le T_{r,{\rm{cl} } }^2$ then (8) 判定${\rm{P}}{{\rm{L}}_{m,m + 1}}$为正常链路,更新协方差矩阵和均值向量 (9) else (10) 判定${\rm{P}}{{\rm{L}}_{m,m + 1}}$为异常链路,保留上一时刻协方差矩阵和均值向量,丢弃当前值 (11) end for 表 3 仿真参数
参数 数值 每条SFC包含的VNF数 4~6个 EMBB(到达率,数据包大小) (10 packets/s,200 kbit/packets) URLLC(到达率,数据包大小) (100 packets/s,10 kbit/packets) MMTC(到达率,数据包大小) (500 packets/s,1 kbit/packets) 特征空间维度($D$) 100 初始标签采样个数($t$) 10 -
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