Energy Saving Mechanism with Incentive of Offloading Compression in Cloudlet Enhanced Fiber-Wireless Network
Abstract:In cloudlet enhanced Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) network, there is a problem that energy consumption and communication overhead of offloading are too large. An Energy Saving mechanism with Adaptive Offloading Compression (ESAOC) is proposed. According to the different types of service attributes and the maximum tolerant delay, combined with the load changes of the optical network unit and the traffic of the wireless mesh network, the ratio of the offloading compression of service is dynamically adjusted to reduce the communication overhead of the offloading by the average arrival rate of the offloaded data of different priorities obtained by means of statistical methods and combined with the delay of compression of each node. At the same time, a queuing model is established to analyze the delay of the offloading service in the MEC server and cooperatively schedule the relay node in wireless mesh network, thereby performing the schedule of collaborative sleeping on the optical network units and the terminal devices to maximize the duration of sleeping and improving the energy efficiency of system. The results show that the proposed mechanism can effectively reduce the network energy consumption while ensuring the delay performance of offloading service.
表 1 仿真参数设置
参数设定 参数数值 网络区域(m2) 500×500 ONU数目N(个) 8 Mesh节点数目${N_w}$(个) 20 STA数目W(个) 50 ONU活跃状态能耗(W) 5.05 ONU休眠状态能耗(W) 0.75 平均卸载分组大小(kb) 128.5 节点处理能力$\tau $(ns/b) 0.35 压缩参数$\beta $ 5 压缩能耗系数$\varepsilon $(nJ/b) 8 ${R_{\rm{mes} }}$(Mbit/s) 6900 ${R_{\rm{O}} }$(Gbit/s) 1 ${T_{\rm{O} \to {\rm{M}} }}$(μs) 50 ONU保护时隙(μs) 40 控制帧时隙(μs) 0.5 ${\xi _0}$(cycles/bit) 500 ${f_0}$(cycles/s) $3.2 \times {10^9}$ -
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