A Steganography Algorithm in Encrypted Stereoscopic Video Based on Entropy Coding
摘要: 针对立体视频的安全性,该文提出一种基于熵编码的立体视频加密与信息隐藏算法。首先,结合立体视频编码结构,分析误差漂移的物理机制,并根据立体视觉掩蔽效应,确定左右视点的加密帧和隐秘信息待嵌入帧。其次,在基于上下文自适应二进制算术编码(CABAC)的熵编码中,通过等长码字替换技术,实现立体视频的加密和信息隐藏。实验结果表明,视频码流经加密与信息隐藏之后格式兼容、比特率不变,视频感知质量无明显下降,在计算复杂度和码率增加率上有显著优势。Abstract: For security of stereoscopic video, a video encryption and information hiding algorithm based on entropy coding is proposed. Firstly, with the analysis of Multi-view Video Coding (MVC), the physical mechanism of error drift is investigated. By applying the stereoscopic masking effect, the frames to be encrypted and the frames to be embedded are determined. Secondly, by using a Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) bin-string substitution technique, the encryption and data hiding of stereoscopic video are implemented. Experimental implementation reveals that the video stream has the format compatibility and the bit-rate remains unchanged after encryption and data hiding. The video quality degradation is negligible. The algorithm has significant advantages in computational complexity and rate increase.
表 1 CABAC下MVD幅值的UEG3二值化串
abs(MVD) Bin-string TU prefix EG3 suffix 0 0 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 8 111111110 9 111111111 0000 10 111111111 0001 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 17 111111111 100000 18 111111111 100001 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 33 111111111 11000000 34 111111111 11000001 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 表 2 MVD幅值的二进制串对
C0 C1 abs(MVD) EG3 abs(MVD) EG3 33 110 00000 34 110 00001 35 110 00010 36 110 00011 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 表 3 各立体测试序列数据嵌入前后视频质量评价指标
序列 视点 嵌入容量(bit) PSNR SSIM VQM 标准编码 本文算法 标准编码 本文算法 标准编码 本文算法 Akko&Kayo 0 1555 44.98 44.90 0.9879 0.9879 0.5179 0.5357 1 3241 45.13 44.67 0.9884 0.9881 0.5262 0.6221 Ballroom 0 3534 42.33 42.27 0.9805 0.9805 0.7553 0.7862 1 5777 42.07 41.86 0.9793 0.9790 0.7567 0.8594 Exit 0 620 42.36 42.36 0.9673 0.9673 0.8138 0.8146 1 2136 42.26 42.20 0.9663 0.9661 0.8264 0.8660 Vassar 0 492 41.89 41.88 0.9657 0.9657 0.7802 0.7865 1 1087 41.82 41.77 0.9644 0.9643 0.7910 0.8273 Flamenco 0 1300 44.87 44.86 0.9871 0.9871 0.5892 0.5953 1 4905 45.41 45.10 0.9882 0.9881 0.5458 0.5937 序列 PSNR(dB) 数据可嵌入容量(bit GOP) BIR(×10–5) 文献[4] 文献[9] 本文 文献[4] 文献[9] 本文 文献[4] 文献[9] 本文 Akko&Kayo 44.903 45.012 44.788 122 1341 400 13.468 56.146 0.000 Ballroom 42.105 42.116 42.067 136 1700 776 12.831 71.329 0.000 Exit 42.282 42.243 42.280 114 1556 230 13.694 59.004 0.000 Vassar 41.832 41.788 41.826 96 1802 132 18.244 59.786 0.000 Flamenco 45.017 45.024 44.982 154 1211 517 17.344 51.969 0.000 Crowd 42.885 42.983 42.743 133 1693 425 17.682 59.682 0.000 -
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