Pre-filter Design for Sum Secrecy Rate Optimization in Time-reversal Multiuser Systems
Abstract:Utilizing the characteristics of the wireless channel to achieve secure transmission of information through physical layer technology is a way to realize security communications. The time-reversed transmission has natural anti-jamming and anti-eavesdropping capability due to its unique spatial and temporal focusing property, so a good secrecy performance can be obtained even when the transmitter is equipped with single transmitting antenna. This paper studies the optimization of the transmit filter impulse response in a two-user time-reversed downlink multiple access secure transmission system. The joint optimization problem of two transmitting filters is transformed into the independent optimization problem of each filter based on reciprocity principles. This problem is further converted into the problem of finding the largest eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector which is solved by iterative algorithm. The simulation results show that by optimizing the pre-filter for sum secrecy rate, the system's sum secrecy rate is promoted and is obviously higher than that of the conventional time-reversed pre-processing filter system and direct transmission system.
Key words:
- Physical layer security /
- Time reversal /
- Sum secrecy rate /
- Pre-processing filter
表 1 最大特征值求解迭代算法
(1) k=0,设置初始点${{g}}_i^{(0)}$ (2) 循环 (3) k:=k+1 (4) 根${{g}}_i^{(k - 1)}$计算矩阵V和Q; (5) 求解Q–1V的最大特征值$\lambda _i^{\left( k \right)}$以及对应的归一化特征向量
${{g}}_i^{(k - 1)}$;(6) 判断$\left| {\lambda _i^{(k)} - \lambda _i^{(k - 1)} } \right| \le \varepsilon $是否满足,或者是否达到迭代次
数,是跳出循环,否则转第(3)步继续迭代;(7) 输出优化问题解${{{\bar g}}_i} = {{g}}_i^{(k)}$。 -
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