Research on Optimum Multi-hop Relay of Wireless Ultraviolet Communication in Military Vehicle Secret Formation
摘要: 无线紫外光通信成为强电磁干扰下的有效通信手段,满足复杂战场环境下车队执行战略物资运输和弹车队隐蔽行驶时车辆间保持可靠隐秘通信的需求。在行驶中每辆车自身作为其它车辆的中继,通过多跳方式为非视线内车辆之间建立稳定可靠的通信链路。因此,基于紫外光单次散射模型,该文研究了最优多跳中继问题,理论分析了收发仰角与频谱效率的关系,依据使频谱效率最大化原则,得出最优跳数近似表达式。仿真结果表明,不同距离移位范围和不同收发仰角都对应特定的最优跳数值,与最优能量计算方法相比,最大频谱效率计算方法在小功率传输时有更好的传输能力,并且达到节约功率的需求。紫外光长距离通信时,系统性能并不随着协作中继数的增加而提高,选取合适的中继数及小发射仰角和大接收仰角的结构配置,系统可获得较高的传输能力。Abstract: Wireless ultraviolet communication becomes an effective means of communication under strong electromagnetic interference, which meets the need of reliable and secret communication between vehicles when the fleet performs strategic material transportation and the missile vehicle fleet of concealed driving vehicles in a complex battlefield environment. Each vehicle acts as a relay for other vehicles while driving, and establishes a stable and reliable communication link between non-line-of-sight vehicles through a multi-hop model. Therefore, based on the single-scattering model of ultraviolet, the optimal multi-hop relay problem is studied, and the relationship between the elevation angle of the transmitting and receiving and the spectral efficiency is theoretically analyzed. According to the principle of maximizing the spectral efficiency, the approximate expression of the optimum number of hops is obtained. The simulation results show that the optimum number of hops correspond to different distance shift range and elevation angles. Compared with the optimum energy calculation method, the proposed method has better transmission capability in low power transmission and achieves the requirement of power saving. In the long-distance ultraviolet communication, system performance does not increase with the number of cooperative relays. The system can obtain a higher transmission capacity by selecting a suitable number of relays and a small transmission elevation angle and a large receiving elevation angle.
表 1 系统主要仿真参数
参数 数值 紫外波长 260 nm PMT探测效率 0.3 滤光片透过率 0.6 吸收系数 0.802×10–3 m–1 米氏散射系数 0.284×10–3 m–1 瑞利散射系数 0.266×10–3 m–1 普朗克常数h 6.6×10–34 -
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