Robust Discriminative Feature Subspace Learning Based on Low Rank Representation
Abstract:Feature subspace learning is a critical technique in image recognition and classification tasks. Conventional feature subspace learning methods include two main problems. One is how to preserve the local structures and discrimination when the samples are projected into the learned subspace. The other hand when the data are corrupted with noise, the conventional learning models usually do not work well. To solve the two problems, a discriminative feature learning method is proposed based on Low Rank Representation (LRR). The novel method includes three main contributions. It explores the local structures among samples via low rank representation, and the representation coefficients are used as the similarity measurement to preserve the local neighborhood existed in the samples; To improve the anti-noise performance, a discriminative learning item is constructed from the recovered samples via low rank representation, which can enhance the discrimination and robustness simultaneously; An iterative numerical scheme is developed with alternating optimization, and the convergence can be guaranteed effectively. Extensive experimental results on several visual datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms conventional feature learning methods on both of accuracy and robustness.
算法1:综合目标函数的数值求解方案 输入: 训练集X,类别标签Y, ${\lambda _1}$, ${\lambda _2}$, $\eta $, ${{Z}} = {{G}} = {{R}} = 0$,
${{E}} = 0$, ${{{Y}}_{\rm{1}}} = {{{Y}}_{\rm{2}}} = {{{Y}}_{\rm{3}}} = 0$, $\mu = 0.6$, ${\mu _{\max }} = {10^{10}}$, $\rho = 1.1$。输出: ${{P}}$ While not convergence do 1. 使用式(5)—(9)进行更新${{{P}}^{k + 1}}$, ${{{G}}^{k + 1}}$, ${{{R}}^{k + 1}}$, ${{{Z}}^{k + 1}}$, ${{{E}}^{k + 1}}$; 2. 更新拉格朗日乘子及参数$\mu $: ${{{Y}}_1}^{k + 1} = {{{Y}}_1}^k + \mu \left( {{{X}} - {{X}}{{{Z}}^{k + 1}} - {{{E}}^{k + 1}}} \right)$; ${{{Y}}_2}^{k + 1} = {{{Y}}_2}^k + \mu \left( {{{{Z}}^{k + 1}} - {{{G}}^{k + 1}}} \right)$; ${{{Y}}_3}^{k + 1} = {{{Y}}_3}^k + \mu \left( {{{{Z}}^{k + 1}} - {{{R}}^{k + 1}}} \right)$; $\mu = \min \left( {{\mu _{\max }},\rho \mu } \right)$; end while -
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