Scheduling Algorithm Based on Value Optimization for Phased Array Radar
Abstract:A task scheduling algorithm based on value optimization is proposed for phased array radar. Firstly, the schedulability of tracking tasks is obtained through feasibility analysis and selecting operation on the task queue, using the proposed schedulability parameters. Then, a dynamic task value function about the actual execution time is established according to the peak value and value changing slope of tasks. A value optimization model for tracking task scheduling is constructed based on the task value function. Timeliness can be better achieved while adopting this model to assign execution time for tasks. Finally, searching tasks are scheduled using the idle time intervals between tracking tasks which are going to be executed. Simulation results show that proposed algorithm reduces the average time shift ratio, and improves the value achieving ratio compared with the traditional scheduling algorithms.
Key words:
- Phased array radar /
- Resource management /
- Task scheduling /
- Timeliness
表 1 跟踪任务参数设置
跟踪任务类别 $P$ ${V^*}$ $\delta $=$\theta $ 时间窗(ms) $\Delta t$(ms) $ti$ 高价值 4 1000 35 30 2 300 ms 中价值 3 600 10 50 2 600 ms 低价值 2 200 3 60 2 1 s -
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