Research on a New FM Broadcasting Timing Signal System
Abstract:Use of FM radio of additional information channel as a carrier lays a solid foundation for time pass for FM radio. Based on the research of FM radio additional channels, a new design method of time-sharing spread spectrum code is proposed and the content of spread spectrum code is designed in detail. It not only conforms to the requirements of the channel conditions, but also is helpful for accurate tracking capture at the receiving end, and for the time information transmission and timing functions. The measured results show the feasibility and accuracy of the method.
Key words:
- Timing /
- FM radio /
- Spreading code /
- Additional channel
表 1 时间编码
序号 时间信息 数值 编码内容 1 年 17 00010001 2 月 10 1010 3 日 23 10111 4 时 9 01001 5 分 46 101110 6 秒 58 111010 时间编码 0001000110101011101001101110111010 时间编码 -
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