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张颖 姚雨丰

张颖, 姚雨丰. 基于快速贝叶斯匹配追踪优化的海上稀疏信道估计方法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(2): 534-540. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190102
引用本文: 张颖, 姚雨丰. 基于快速贝叶斯匹配追踪优化的海上稀疏信道估计方法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2020, 42(2): 534-540. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190102
Ying ZHANG, Yufeng YAO. Channel Estimation Algorithm of Maritime Sparse Channel Based on Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit Optimization[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(2): 534-540. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190102
Citation: Ying ZHANG, Yufeng YAO. Channel Estimation Algorithm of Maritime Sparse Channel Based on Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit Optimization[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2020, 42(2): 534-540. doi: 10.11999/JEIT190102


doi: 10.11999/JEIT190102
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61673259)




    张颖 yingzhang@shmtu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN911

Channel Estimation Algorithm of Maritime Sparse Channel Based on Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit Optimization

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61673259)
  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  海上通信损耗模型

    图  2  N为32时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的AMSE对比

    图  4  N为64时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的AMSE对比

    图  5  N为32时,p1为0.01时,3种算法的AMSE对比

    图  3  N为48时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的AMSE对比

    图  6  N为32时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的BER对比

    图  8  N为64时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的BER对比

    图  9  N为32时,p1为0.01时,3种算法的BER对比

    图  7  N为48时,p1为0.04时,3种算法的BER对比

    表  1  FBMPO算法的伪代码

     输入:参数向量s, 观测矩阵${{\varphi } }_i$,迭代阈值K, R and L
     输出:${\tilde h_{ {\rm{MMSE} } } }$;
        (1) Initialize ${\mu _{0,1}}$ by式(20)
        (2) for i ← 1 to L:
        (3)   ${{{b}}_i} \leftarrow {{{\varphi}} ^{ - 1}}{{{\phi}} _i};\;{{{\beta }}_i} \leftarrow {\left( {1 + {\sigma _1}^2{{\phi}} _i^{\rm{T}}{{{b}}_i}} \right)^{ - 1}}$;
        (4)   ${\mu _{1,i} }^* \leftarrow {\mu _{0,1} } + \dfrac{1}{2}\lg \left( {\frac{ { { {{\beta} } _i} } }{ { {\sigma _1}^2} } } \right) + \dfrac{1}{2}{ {{\beta} } _i}{\left| { { {{y} }^{\rm{T} } }{ {{b} }_i} } \right|^2}$
              $ + {\rm{lg} }\dfrac{ { {p_1} } }{ {1 - {p_1} } }$;
        (5) end for
        (6) for q ← 1 to K:
        (7)   ${\mu _{1,q}} \leftarrow {\mu _{1,i}}^*$; ${\rm{}}{b_{1,q}}^{\left( 1 \right)} \leftarrow {\mu _{1,i}}^*$; ${\rm{}}{c_{1,q}}^{\left( 1 \right)} \leftarrow {c_{1,i}}^*$;
            ${\beta _{1,q}}^{\left( 1 \right)} \leftarrow {\beta _{1,i}}^*$;
        (8) end for
        (9) ${{{\phi}}_i} \leftarrow {{{U}}_1} {{W}_2} {{{V}}_1}^{\rm T}$; ${{{\phi}} _i}' \leftarrow {{{U}}_1}{{{W}}_2}'{{{V}}_1}^{\rm{T}}$;
        (10) for l ← 1 to R:
        (11)   ${{{\beta}} _i} \leftarrow {\left( {1 + {\sigma _1}^2{{{\phi}} _i}{{'}^{\rm{T}}}{{{b}}_i}} \right)^{ - 1}}$;
        (12)   ${{{\mu}} _i} \leftarrow {\mu ^{\left( {l - 1} \right)}} + \dfrac{1}{2}{\rm{lg}}{{{\beta}} _i} + \dfrac{1}{2}{{{\beta}} _i}{\left( {{{{s}}^{\rm{T}}}c_i^{\left( l \right)}} \right)^2} $
            $ + {\rm{lg}}\frac{{{p_1}}}{{1 - {p_1}}}$;
        (13)   $i_*^{\left( l \right)} \leftarrow {\rm{argma}}{{\rm{x}}_i}{\mu _i}$;
        (14)   ${G^{\left( l \right)}} \leftarrow {G^{\left( {l - 1} \right)}} \cup ^{\{i_{*}^{(l)}\}} $;
            $c_i^{\left( {l + 1} \right)} \leftarrow c_i^{\left( l \right)} - {{i}}_{i_*^{\left( l \right)}}^{\left( l \right)}{{{\beta }}_{i_*^{\left( l \right)}}}{{i}}_{i_*^{\left( l \right)}}^{{{\left( l \right)}^{\rm{T}}}}{{{\phi}} _i}$;
        (15) end for
        (16) 计算${\tilde h_{ {\rm{MMSE} } } }$ by式(30)
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    表  2  系统仿真参数设置

    信道抽头数系统信道带宽6410 MHz
    采样频率循环前缀长度10 MHz16
    非零抽头概率 p1{0.04,0.01}
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    表  3  不同算法在不同训练序列时的运算时间(s)

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