Design of Convolutional Neural Networks Hardware Acceleration Based on FPGA
摘要: 针对卷积神经网络(CNN)计算量大、计算时间长的问题,该文提出一种基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的卷积神经网络硬件加速器。首先通过深入分析卷积层的前向运算原理和探索卷积层运算的并行性,设计了一种输入通道并行、输出通道并行以及卷积窗口深度流水的硬件架构。然后在上述架构中设计了全并行乘法-加法树模块来加速卷积运算和高效的窗口缓存模块来实现卷积窗口的流水线操作。最后实验结果表明,该文提出的加速器能效比达到32.73 GOPS/W,比现有的解决方案高了34%,同时性能达到了317.86 GOPS。
- 卷积神经网络 /
- 硬件加速 /
- 现场可编程逻辑门阵列 /
- 计算并行 /
- 深度流水
Abstract: Considering the large computational complexity and the long-time calculation of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), an Field-Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)-based CNN hardware accelerator is proposed. Firstly, by deeply analyzing the forward computing principle and exploring the parallelism of convolutional layer, a hardware architecture in which parallel for the input channel and output channel, deep pipeline for the convolution window is presented. Then, a full parallel multi-addition tree is designed to accelerate convolution and efficient window buffer to implement deep pipelining operation of convolution window. The experimental results show that the energy efficiency ratio of proposed accelerator reaches 32.73 GOPS/W, which is 34% higher than the existing solutions, as the performance reaches 317.86 GOPS. -
表 1 卷积神经网络结构参数
层名称 层结构 参数量(个) 卷积层1 卷积核大小3×3,卷积核个数15,步长1 150 激活层1 无 0 池化层1 池化大小2×2,步长2 0 卷积层2 卷积核大小6×6,卷积核个数20,步长1 10820 激活层2 无 0 池化层2 池化大小2×2,步长2 0 全连接层 输出神经元个数10 3210 表 2 FPGA资源消耗情况
资源 比例(%) ALMs 89423/113560 79 Block Memory 730151/12492800 6 DSPs 342/342 100 表 3 与文献FPGA硬件加速对比
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