A New High Order Finite Difference Time Domain Method
Abstract:Compared with the traditional high-order Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) Method, an improved high-order FDTD optimization method is proposed in this paper. This algorithm is based on Ampere’s law of circuits and finds a set of optimal coefficients through computer technology to minimize the global dispersion error of the FDTD method.The simulation of point source radiation with different resolutions shows that this method still has very low phase error in the case of lower resolution. It provides an effective solution to the problem of numerical dispersion in the modeling of large size structures.
Key words:
- Finite Difference Time Domain(FDTD) /
- Phase error /
- Optimization algorithm /
- Ampere’s law
表 1 部分分辨率的色散误差
R K1 K2 ${\varPhi _{\gamma_i} }$ 5 –0.14493668 0.102073777 5.3797×10–10 10 –0.11619507 0.073446898 9.1959×10–14 15 –0.11180257 0.069281772 8.4433×10–16 20 –0.11032252 0.067892310 2.2994×10–17 25 –0.10964732 0.067260967 4.3034×10–18 30 –0.10928263 0.066920442 1.5703×10–19 35 –0.10906389 0.066716504 4.4814×10–20 表 2 4种情况下的运行时间和占用内存对比
步长(s)粗网格 S22 0.0356 0.1 0.100 0.16×10–9 S24 0.0323 0.2 0.100 0.16×10–9 M24 0.0329 0.7 0.100 0.16×10–9 细网格 S22 77.3070 3.0 0.004 0.66×10–10 -
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