Energy Efficient Based Resource Optimization Algorithm for Two-tier Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Network
Abstract:A subchannel matching method based on bilateral matching and a power allocation algorithm based on Stackelberg game are proposed for two-tier Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) network. Firstly, the resource optimization problem is decomposed into two subproblems—sub-channel matching and power allocation. In the power allocation, the macro base station layer and small base station layer are regarded as the leader and followers in the Stackelberg game. Then, the non-convex optimization problem is converted into a way to be easily solved, and the power allocation of the both layers are obtained respectively. Finally, the global power allocation scheme of the system is obtained by using Stackelberg game. The simulation results show that the proposed resource optimization algorithms can effectively improve the energy efficiency of the two-tier NOMA system.
Key words:
- Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) /
- Game /
- Energy efficiency /
- Resource allocation
表 1 不同路径衰减公式
路径 公式 宏基站到宏用户 ${\rm{Pl}}\left( r \right) = 15.3 + 37.6\lg r$ 宏基站到小型基站用户 ${\rm{Pl}}\left( r \right) = 15.3 + 37.6\lg r + {L_w}$ 小型基站到其用户 ${\rm{Pl}}\left( r \right) = 38.46 + 20\lg r + 0.7r$ 小型基站到其他
小型基站用户$\begin{aligned} {\rm{Pl} }\left( r \right) =\,& \max \left( \begin{array}{l} \left( {15.3 + 37.6\lg \left( {r - {R_s} } \right)} \right) \\ \left( {38.46 + 20\lg \left( {r - {R_s} } \right)} \right) \\ \end{array} \right) \\ &+ 0.7{R_s} + 2{L_w} \end{aligned} $ 小型基站到宏用户 $\begin{aligned} {\rm{Pl} }\left( r \right) =\,& \max \left( \begin{array}{l} \left( {15.3 + 37.6\lg \left( {r - {R_s} } \right)} \right) \\ \left( {38.46 + 20\lg \left( {r - {R_s} } \right)} \right) \\ \end{array} \right) \\ &+ 0.7{R_s} + {L_w} \end{aligned} $ 表 2 仿真参数
参数 值 宏基站半径${R_m}$ 500 m 小型基站半径${R_s}$ 10 m 墙渗透衰减${L_w}$ 10 dB 系统带宽$B$ 30 MH 载波频率 2 GHz 对数正态阴影衰落方差 8 dB -
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