Real-time Estimation of Tropospheric Scattering Slant Delay of Low-elevation Obtained by Improved Ray Tracing
摘要: 针对任意测站的对流层散射斜延迟估算时存在探空气象数据不易实时获取的不足,该文提出一种利用地面气象参数内插改进射线描迹计算公式的对流层散射斜延迟估计算法。该算法利用中纬度大气气象参数公式推导了折射指数随地心距变化的关系式,并采用气象参数内插方法获取温度变化率和水汽压变化率,克服了射线描迹法对探空数据的依赖。根据亚洲地区6个国际GPS服务(IGS)测站2012年的实测气象数据,验证了该文算法解算天顶延迟年平均偏差的绝对值在1 cm以内;选取基线距离适宜的3个测站分成3组散射通信比对站,利用射线描迹法计算了其在0°~5°入射角下全年的斜延迟,结果表明,3组比对站进行单向传输的最大斜延迟为17.03~33.10 m;进行双向时间比对相互抵消95%时,时间延迟为2.88~5.52 ns。Abstract: Considering the disadvantage of oblique delay estimation of tropospheric scattering at arbitrary stations, which is difficult to obtain real-time sounding meteorological data, an oblique delay estimation algorithm of tropospheric scattering based on improved ray tracing method with ground meteorological parameters is proposed. In order to get rid of the method’s dependence on radiosonde data, the algorithm infers the relationship between refractive index and altitude through the formula of meteorological parameters in the model of medium latitude atmosphere. The interpolation of meteorological parameters in the model of UNB3m is used to gain the coefficient of temperature and water vapor pressure. Meteorological data for 2012 from 6 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations in Asia are selected to test the applicability of new method, the results suggest that precision is less than 1 cm. Then, the tropospheric slant delays of three parts observation stations under different angles of incidence (0°~5°) are calculated by the modified algorithm. The results suggest that the maximum delay is 17.03~33.10 m in a single way time transfer. In two way time transfer, when the delay can counteract 95%, time delay is 2.88~5.52 ns.
Key words:
- Tropospheric scatter /
- Slant propagation delay /
- Ray tracing /
- Refractive index
表 1 气象参数格网值
$F{(^ \circ })$ avg amp $\beta $ $\lambda $ $\beta $ $\lambda $ 15 0.00630 2.77 0.000 0.000 30 0.00605 3.51 0.00025 0.33 45 0.00558 2.57 0.00032 0.46 60 0.00539 1.81 0.00081 0.74 75 0.00453 1.55 0.00062 0.30 表 2 测站信息
站名 北纬($^\circ $) 东经($^\circ $) 海拔(m) TSKB 36.11 140.09 67.30 KSMV 35.96 140.66 57.93 KGNI 35.71 139.49 123.50 BJFS 39.36 115.53 54.70 WUHN 30.31 114.21 27.00 TWTF 24.95 121.16 203.10 表 3 各模型统计结果(cm)
测站 UNB3m模型 EGNOS模型 本文算法 平均偏差 RMS 平均偏差 RMS 平均偏差 RMS TSKB –0.69 8.57 0.63 8.64 –0.70 7.57 KSMV –0.60 8.44 0.77 8.53 –0.77 7.93 KGNI –0.67 7.80 0.79 7.89 –0.69 7.41 BJFS –0.53 7.65 0.72 8.23 –0.56 7.32 WUHN –0.59 7.53 0.66 8.44 –0.66 7.44 TWTF –0.80 8.62 0.78 8.65 –0.79 7.85 表 4 比对站情况表
比对站 A&B A&C B&C L(km) 53.96 70.06 109.19 ${\theta _0}$($^\circ $) $[0, 5)$ $[0, 5)$ $[0, 5)$ -
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