Speech Information Hiding Method Based on Random Position Selection and Matrix Coding
- 低速率语音编码 /
- G.723.1编码标准 /
- 基音预测 /
- 闭环基音周期
Abstract:For the low-rate speech encoding problem, an information hidden algorithm based on the G.723.1 coding standard is proposed. In the pitch prediction coding process, by controlling the search range of the closed-loop pitch period (adaptive codebook), combined with the Random Position Selection (RPS) method and the Matrix Coding Method (MCM), the secret information is embedded, which is implemented in the speech coding process. The adoption of the RPS method reduces the correlation between the carrier code-words, and the adoption of the MCM method reduces the rate of change of the carrier. The experimental results show that the average PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) deterioration rate under the algorithm is 1.63%, and the concealment is good.
表 1 发送方、接收方台式PC配置情况
处理器 内存 声卡 系统 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30 GHz 4 GB Realtek High Definition Audio Windows 7专业版 Service Pack 1 表 2 本文隐藏算法的PESQ统计值
载密语音样本 未载密语音样本 PESQ改变率(%) 3 s语音样本 CSM CSW ESM ESW CSM CSW ESM ESW CSM CSW ESM ESW 平均值 3.4237 3.3440 3.4165 3.4750 3.4429 3.3995 3.4259 3.5193 –0.55 –1.63 –0.27 –1.20 最大值 3.8999 3.7815 4.0995 4.1015 3.8262 3.7406 3.8863 3.9458 1.93 1.09 5.49 3.94 最小值 2.9756 2.9615 2.9756 2.9022 3.0930 3.1701 3.1160 3.1265 –3.80 –6.58 –4.51 –7.17 10 s语音样本 CSM CSW ESM ESW CSM CSW ESM ESW CSM CSW ESM ESW 平均值 3.4095 3.3528 3.3990 3.3822 3.4218 3.3900 3.4102 3.4362 –0.37 –1.09 –0.33 –1.50 最大值 3.7954 3.7102 3.7614 3.8714 3.7406 3.6783 3.7406 3.8632 1.47 0.87 2.12 0.21 最小值 2.9965 2.9113 3.1003 2.9965 3.0590 3.0180 3.1123 3.0590 –2.00 –3.53 –1.20 –2.00 表 3 隐藏算法的PESQ统计对比(%)
表 4 语音帧处理时间统计对比(ms)
表 5 在满嵌入率下两种隐藏算法检测率(%)
隐藏方法 语音种类 样本时长(s) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 文献[10]隐藏算法 英文 85.40 88.00 88.50 89.25 90.10 91.45 91.40 92.40 92.95 93.70 96.20 96.95 97.15 97.65 97.35 中文 86.80 88.65 90.20 90.50 91.20 92.25 93.10 94.25 94.70 94.05 96.80 97.20 98.15 97.75 97.95 文献[11]隐藏算法 英文 87.65 90.11 90.81 91.65 92.89 94.00 94.15 95.01 95.20 96.64 97.20 98.70 100.00 100.00 100.00 中文 90.70 92.95 94.00 94.55 95.79 96.83 97.16 98.22 98.30 98.89 99.16 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00 本文隐藏算法 英文 43.20 46.43 46.95 47.33 48.39 49.51 49.44 50.36 51.64 51.93 54.67 55.68 55.92 56.04 55.94 中文 45.51 46.91 47.56 47.48 48.72 49.70 49.53 52.14 52.37 52.87 55.06 55.86 56.09 56.35 55.63 表 6 在不同嵌入率下3种隐藏算法检测率(%)
隐藏方法 语音种类 嵌入率(%) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 文献[10]隐藏算法 英文 50.61 57.64 75.53 80.29 82.81 85.63 86.35 90.58 94.32 97.35 中文 51.93 58.49 75.28 80.56 82.49 85.27 87.92 92.56 95.63 97.95 文献[11]隐藏算法 英文 53.94 60.89 78.66 83.49 85.91 88.69 89.35 93.74 97.25 100.00 中文 54.53 61.67 79.55 84.88 86.77 89.55 91.83 95.66 98.55 100.00 本文隐藏算法 英文 16.32 17.52 30.87 39.48 41.16 44.15 45.62 48.12 52.61 55.94 中文 15.22 17.35 30.56 39.52 41.74 44.16 44.59 49.31 52.38 55.63 -
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