Blind Reconstruction of Convolutional Code Based on Partitioned Walsh-Hadamard Transform
摘要: 利用Walsh-Hadamard变换可实现2元域含错方程组的求解,该方法可用于卷积码的盲识别,但当方程组未知数较多时,其对计算机内存的要求使得该方法在实际中难以应用,为此该文提出一种基于分段Walsh-Hadamard变换的卷积码识别方法。该方法通过对方程组高维系数向量进行分段,使其转化为两个低维的系数向量,将Walsh-Hadamard变换求解高维方程组的问题分解为求解两个较低维数方程组的问题,同时证明了两个低维方程组解向量的组合就是高维方程组的解。算法有效减少了对计算机内存的需求,仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性,且算法具有良好的误码适应能力。
- 卷积码 /
- 盲识别 /
- Walsh-Hadamard变换 /
- 含错方程 /
- 重构
Abstract: The Walsh-Hadamard transform can be used to solve binary domain error-containing equations, and the method can be used for blind identification of convolutional codes. However, when the number of system unknowns is large, the requirement of computer memory makes it difficult to apply this method to practice. Therefore, a convolutional code recognition method based on partitioned Walsh-Hadamard transform is proposed. By segmenting the high-dimensional coefficient vectors of the equations into two low-dimensional coefficient vectors, the problem of solving the high-dimensional equations by Walsh-Hadamard transformation is decomposed into the problem of solving the two low-dimensional equations, and it is proved that the combination of the solution vectors of the two low-dimensional equations is the solution of the high-dimensional equations. The algorithm reduces effectively the need for computer memory, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, and the algorithm has good error code adaptability. -
表 1 卷积码约束长度和输出路数估计算法
输入:接收到的码序列,分段长度l; 输出:卷积码输出路数n和约束长度K (1) 遍历卷积码输出路数$n'$,$2 \le n' \le 8$,令${K'} = 9$; (2) 将接收码序列排列成式(8)所示方程组,未知数个数为${n'}\!(\!{K'} \!\! +\! 1\!)$; (3)利用式(11)构造方程组系数对应的向量V,并按照l 将V进行矩
阵排列;(4) 令i从1到${2^{L - l}}$,其中$L = {n'}({K'} + 1)$,计算${\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}^l}} \right)$为
${\cal{H}}({{\text{V}}^l}) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{2^{L - l}}} {{\rm{abs}} \left( {{\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}'}(i, :)} \right)} \right)} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\ (29)$(5) 如果${\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}^l}} \right)$中没有峰值,则返回(2),同时$n'$加1;如果${\cal{H}}\!\left(\! {{{\text{V}}^l}} \right)$ 存在m个峰值,表明此时$n = {n'}$,且$K = {K'} - {\log _2}(m + 1)$ (6) 输出K和n,或者序列中没有卷积码存在。 表 2 基于分段Walsh-hadamard变换的卷积码校验向量估计算法
$( K + 1)n$;分段的维数$l$;输出:方程组的L维解向量h。 (1) 根据式(11)计算方程组系数对应的向量V,并对V按长度${2^l}$进
行分段;(2) 令i从1~${2^{L - l}}$,其中$L = n(K \!+\! 1)$,计算每一行系数的Walsh
谱累积量${\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}^l}} \right)$为
${\cal{H}}({{\text{V}}^l}) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{2^{L - l}}} {{\rm{abs} }\left( {{\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}'}(i, :)} \right)} \right)} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\ (30)$(3) 在${\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}^l}} \right)$找出峰值位置,并将其转化为一个长度为l的二进
制向量${{\text{h}}_l}$;(4) 令j从1~${2^l}$,计算每一列系数的Walsh谱累积量为
${\cal{H}}({{\text{V}}^{L - l}}) = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{{2^l}} {{\rm{abs}} \left( {{\cal{H}}\left( {{{\text{V}}'}(:, j)} \right)} \right)} \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\ (31) $(5) 在${\cal{H}}({{\text{V}}^{L - l}})$找出峰值位置,并将其转化为一个长度为L-l的二
进制向量${{\text{h}}_{L - l}}$;(6) 令${\text{h}} = [{{\text{h}}_l} {{\text{h}}_{L - l}}]$,输出h。 -
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