Applying Chernoff Weighted Classification Frame Method to MotorImagery Brain Computer Interface
- 脑机接口 /
- 运动想象 /
- 概率模型 /
- Chernoff误差边界 /
- 模式分类
Abstract:For the problem that the classifier is less considered to be combined with the brain's cognitive process in the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) system, a Chernoff-weighted based classifier integrated frame method is proposed and used in synchronous motor imagery BCI. In the method, the statistic characteristics of ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) are obtained by analyzing in each time point of synchronous BCI, and then the probability model is established to compute the Chernoff error bound, which is adopted as the weight of common classifier to take the discriminant process. The test experiments are based on the datasets from BCI competitions, and the proposed frame method is employed to compose with LDA, SVM, ELM respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed frame method shows competitive performance compared with other methods.
表 1 算法1 Chernoff框架方法的训练过程
输入:EEG训练数据 输出:独立分类器模型参数和概率权重w 步骤 1 对EEG数据进行预处理,提取特征向量; 步骤 2 利用独立分类器训练得到模型参数; 步骤 3 利用式(1)得到特征向量的均值和方差; 步骤 4:利用式(8)得到权重w。 表 2 算法2 Chernoff框架方法的测试过程
输入:t 时刻的测试 EEG 数据,独立分类器参数和权重w 输出:分类结果和判定值dout(t) 步骤 1 对EEG数据进行预处理,提取特征向量; 步骤 2 通过独立分类器的训练模型得到yc(t); 步骤 3 利用式(11)和式(12)将yc转化到p(t)∈[0, 1]; 步骤 4 利用式(9)计算pout(t); 步骤 5 利用式(10)将pout(t) 变换到dout(t)∈[–1, 1]; 步骤 6 通过dout(t)的符号获得分类结果。 表 3 实验中的数据集
序号 数据集来源 训练集个数(试验次数) 测试集个数(试验次数) 类别 1 BCI II (III) 1 (140) 1 (140) 2 2 BCI III (IIIb) 1 (320) 1 (320) 2 3 BCI IV (IIb) 3 (400) 2 (320) 2 4 BCI IV (IIb) 3 (400) 2 (320) 2 表 4 数据集1的最大互信息(bit)
分类方法 最大互信息 ELM 0.524/0.051 LDA 0.414 SVM 0.471 LSTM 0.511 ELM-CF 0.680/0.020 LDA-CF 0.631 SVM-CF 0.662 第II届BCI竞赛的第1名 0.61 -
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