Research on Dynamic Threat Tracking and Quantitative Analysis Technology Based on Attribute Attack Graph
摘要: 网络多告警信息融合处理是有效实施网络动态威胁分析的主要手段之一。基于此该文提出一种利用网络系统多告警信息进行动态威胁跟踪与量化分析的机制。该机制首先利用攻击图理论构建系统动态威胁属性攻击图;其次基于权限提升原则设计了前件推断算法(APA)、后件预测算法(CPA)和综合告警信息推断算法(CAIIA)进行多告警信息的融合与威胁分析,生成网络动态威胁跟踪图进行威胁变化态势的可视化展示。最后通过实验验证了该机制和算法的有效性。Abstract: Network multi-alarm information fusion processing is one of the most important methods to implement effectively network dynamic threat analysis. Focusing on this, a mechanism for dynamic threat tracking and quantitative analysis by using network system multi-alarm information is proposed. Firstly, the attack graph theory is used to construct the system dynamic threat attribute attack graph. Secondly, based on the privilege escalation principle, Antecedent Predictive Algorithm(APA), the Consequent Predictive Algorithm(CPA) and the Comprehensive Alarm Information Inference Algorithm(CAIIA) are designed to integrate the multi-alarm information fusion and do threat analysis. Then, the network dynamic threat tracking graph is generated to visualize the threat change situation. Finally, the effectiveness of the mechanism and algorithm is validates through experiments.
图 10 文献[17]
${\rm{tim}}{{\rm{e}}_1}$ 威胁状态图图 11 文献[17]
${\rm{tim}}{{\rm{e}}_2}$ 威胁状态图表 1 前件推断算法
算法1:前件推断算法(${\rm{APA}}$) 输入:${\rm{DT - AAG}}$, ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_l}$ 输出:${\rm{DI}}$ (1) ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_l} = ({\rm{tim}}{{\rm{e}}_l},{\rm{IPpr}}{{\rm{o}}_l},{\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_l},{\rm{clas}}{{\rm{s}}_l})$; (2) if ${\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_l} = {\rm{IP}}{'_l}$, set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_l} = 1$; //根据IP地址确定攻击图中产生告警信息的节点; (3) set l –1, l, l+1,···, l+m; //按照攻击图中关于节点l 的路径的节点权限排序; (4) if ${\rm{IPpr}}{{\rm{o}}_l} = {\rm{IP}}{'_{l - 1}}$, set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l - 1}} = 1$; //如果该告警信息的源IP在系统中,表示攻击者已经获得该 节点的前件节点的权限; (5) { if not only ${c_{l - 1}} \to {c_l}$; //节点l–1的后置条件包含不止节点l; (6) { set $l' - 1,l',l' + 1,···,l' + n$($n \le m - 1$); //设置节点l-1的后件节点中非包含l节点路径的其余节点的顺 序; (7) ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l' - 1}} = {\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l - 1}} = 1$; (8) DO { ${\rm{CPA}}(l' - 1)$; // 对节点$l' - 1$执行后件预测算法; (9) }}} (10) else (11) set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l - 1}} = 0$; //该告警节点与其所处攻击图中的前件节点无关,因此设置 其前件节点推断强度为0; (12) return DI 表 2 后件预测算法
算法2:后件预测算法(${\rm{CPA}}$) 输入:${\rm{DT - AAG}}$, ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_l}$ 输出:${\rm{DI}}$ (1) ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_l} = ({\rm{tim}}{{\rm{e}}_l},{\rm{IPpr}}{{\rm{o}}_l},{\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_l},{\rm{clas}}{{\rm{s}}_l})$; (2) if ${\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_l} = {\rm{IP}}{'_l}$, set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_l} = 1$; (3) set l –1, l, l+1,···, l+m; (4) for(i=1, ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l + i}} \ge \lambda $&&$i \le m$, i++)
(5) {${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l + i}} = \prod\limits_{j = 1}^i {{p_{l + j}}} \times {\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_l}$; }(6) when ${\rm{D}}{{\rm{I}}_{l + i}} = \{ {\rm{di}}_{l + i}^1,{\rm{di}}_{l + i}^2,···,{\rm{di}}_{l + i}^n\}$; //从节点$l$到节点$l + i$有n条路径,${\rm{D}}{{\rm{I}}_{l + i}}$的元素都是由${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_l}$推断; (7) DO { (8) ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_{l + i}} = \max ({\rm{di}}_{l + i}^1,{\rm{di}}_{l + i}^2,···,{\rm{di}}_{l + i}^n)$; } //取单个告警不同路径中推断强度最大的值; (9) Return ${\rm{DI}}$ 表 3 综合告警信息推断算法
算法3:综合告警信息推断算法(${\rm{CAIIA}}$) 输入:${\rm{DT - AAG}}$, ${\rm{AL}}$ 输出:${\rm{DI}}$ (1) ${\rm{AL}} \ne \varnothing $; //告警信息不为空; (2) ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_i} \in {\rm{AL}}$; (3) for each (4) ${\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_i} = ({\rm{tim}}{{\rm{e}}_i},{\rm{IPpr}}{{\rm{o}}_i},{\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_i},{\rm{clas}}{{\rm{s}}_i})$; (5) if ${\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_i} = {\rm{IP}}{'_i}$, set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_i} = 1$; (6) DO { APA(i); // 对节点i 执行前件推断算法; (7) ${\rm{CPA}}(i)$ //对节点i执行后件预测算法 }
(8) if ${\rm{I}}{{\rm{P}}_j} \notin \bigcup\limits_{{\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_i} \in {\rm{AL}}} {{\rm{IPpos}}{{\rm{t}}_i}} $;(9) { ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_j} = \sum\limits_{{\rm{a}}{{\rm{l}}_k} \in {\rm{AL}}} {{\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_k}}$; //计算产生告警节点推断未产生告警的节点的推断强度; (10) if ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_j} > 1$, let ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_j} = 1$;} //表示将推强度大于1的值确定为1; (11) else (12) set ${\rm{d}}{{\rm{i}}_i} = 1$; (13) return DI 表 4 系统漏洞、协议关系表
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