Research on Network Dynamic Threat Analysis Technology Based on Attribute Attack Graph
摘要: 该文首先利用属性攻击图理论构建了网络动态威胁分析属性攻击图(DT-AAG)模型,该模型在全面刻画系统漏洞和网络服务导致的威胁转移关系的基础上,结合通用漏洞评分标准(CVSS)和贝叶斯概率转移计算方法设计了威胁转移概率度量算法;其次基于构建的DT-AAG模型,利用威胁与漏洞、服务间的关联关系,设计了动态威胁属性攻击图生成算法(DT-AAG-A),并针对生成的属性攻击图存在的威胁传递环路问题,设计了环路消解机制;最后通过实验验证了该模型和算法的有效性。Abstract: Firstly, a network Dynamic Threat Attribute Attack Graph (DT-AAG) analysis model is constructed by using Attribute Attack Graph theory. On the basis of the comprehensive description of system vulnerability and network service-induced threat transfer relationship, a threat transfer probability measurement algorithm is designed in combination with Common Vulerability Scoring System (CVSS) vulnerability evaluation criteria and Bayesian probability transfer method. Secondly, based on the model, a Dynamic Threat Attribute Attack Graph generation Algorithm (DT-AAG-A) is designed by using the relationship between the threat and the vulnerability as well as the service. What’s more, to solve the problem that threat transfer loop existing in the generated attribute attack graph, the loop digestion mechanism is designed. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is verified by experiments.
图 7 文献[8]实验图
表 1 DT-AAG-A生成算法
输入:DT-AAG-PL 输出:DT-AAG (1) DT-AAG-PL$ \ne \varnothing $; /* DT-AAG-PL数据库不为空 */ (2) DT-AAG${\rm{ = }}\varnothing $; /* 设置DT-AAG初始值为空 */ (3) $t,i \in $DT-AAG-PL (4) For each $t = [{\rm{I}}{{\rm{D}}_t},{\rm{IPpreCo}}{{\rm{n}}_t},{\rm{IPpostCo}}{{\rm{n}}_t}]$ (5) DO { /* 任取DT-AAG-PL中一个元素 */ (6) SearchIDIPpre (DT-AAG-PL) } (7) For rest $j \in$DT-AAG-PL DO { /* 搜索匹配DT-AAG-PL中剩余元素*/ (8) SearchIDIPpre (DT-AAG-PL, ${\rm{DT {\tiny{-}} AAG}}$); /* 范围为DT-AAG-PL 和${\rm{DT {\tiny{-}} AAG}}$ */ } (9) If DT-AAG-PL$= \varnothing${ /* 当DT-AAG-PL中所有元素都被移动 */ (10) Return DT-AAG; } (11) SearchIDIPpre (DT-AAG-PL) { (12) If ${\rm{I}}{{\rm{D}}_t} = {\rm{I}}{{\rm{D}}_i}\& \& {\rm{IPpostCo}}{{\rm{n}}_t} = {\rm{IPpostCo}}{{\rm{n}}_i}$; /* 根据ID和IP搜索匹配 */ (13) {$a = t \to i$; Put a to ${\rm{DT - AAG}}$;} /* 将匹配到的元素移到${\rm{DT {\tiny{-}} AAG}}$ */ (14) else (15) {$a = t$; Put a to ${\rm{DT {\tiny{-}} AAG}}$;} /* 将未匹配的元素移到${\rm{DT {\tiny{-}}AAG}}$中 */ } 表 2 主机与服务器存在的漏洞和协议信息表
Host/Server Protocol/Vulnerability Port user1 – 80/445 user2 HIDP 80 user3 GUN Wget 80 user4 NDproxy 445 WebServer IIS 80 FileServer Protocol with user3/Apache 80 DataServer Protocol with user4 445 MainServer Protocol with user2&user3&user4 80&445 表 3 漏洞信息表
Vulnerability ExpSco+ImpSco CVE Num. HIDP 7.0 CVE-2018-8169 GUN Wget 8.8 CVE-2016-4971 NDproxy 7.2 CVE-2013-5065 IIS 7.8 CVE-2015-7597 Apache 7.5 CVE-2018-8015 表 4 攻击路径和威胁转移概率表
攻击路径 a$ \to $d$ \to $i a$ \to $d$ \to $j a$ \to $d$ \to $k a$ \to $d$ \to $l a$ \to $e a$ \to $f a$ \to $g b$ \to $j b$ \to $k b$ \to $l c$ \to $m c$ \to $n 转移概率 0.38 0.30 0.49 0.49 0.44 0.34 0.56 0.53 0.88 0.88 0.58 0.58 -
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