A W Band Mini-SAR System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
摘要: 随着轻小型无人机(UAV)日益发展,基于UAV平台搭载微型SAR系统的探测手段会给信息获取方式带来革命性的影响,这也对微型载荷提出了的更高的需求。针对这一需求,该文介绍了一种W波段UAV微型SAR系统,提出了基于锁相技术的线性调频源的设计方法,并对毫米波(MMW)介质集成波导天线、3维集成、运动补偿方法等关键问题进行研究,研制W波段无人机微型SAR系统原理样机,基于多旋翼无人机平台开展飞行成像应用试验。研究结果表明,原理样机在系统分辨率、体积、重量等方面具有处于业内领先水平,飞行试验获得了聚焦效果良好的高信噪比(SNR)图像。Abstract: With the development of light and small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), the detection method of Mini SAR based on UAV platform brings a revolutionary impact on information acquisition mode. In this paper, a W-band Mini SAR system for UAV is proposed, including the system design proposal and composition, high linearity analog phase-locked frequency modulation, MilliMeter Wave (MMW) substrate integrated waveguide antenna, 3D integration and motion compensation methods to solve the key problems of Mini SAR. A W-band Mini SAR prototype is developed and the imaging test based on Multi-rotor UAV is proceeded. The results show that the resolution, volume and the weight of Mini SAR prototype is at the industry-leading level. A high SNR imaging with perfect focusing effect is obtained from flight test.
Key words:
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) /
- Mini SAR /
- Frequency modulated source /
- 3D integration
表 1 系统主要性能指标
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