A Model for Virtualized Network Function Placement with Hardware Acceleration Support
摘要: 为解决以软件实现的虚拟网络功能(VNF)性能受限问题,软件定义网络和网络功能虚拟化(SDN/NFV)等新型网络架构引入了硬件加速资源。硬件加速资源的部署,使得VNF能够为日益增长的数据流量提供服务保障。该文针对已有研究未考虑具有高性能数据处理需求的服务链VNF部署问题,提出一种支持硬件加速的VNF部署模型。该模型基于硬件加速资源的承载特性,在保证未加速VNF到商用服务器的优化部署下,优先实现交换机中加速资源的复用,并根据网络业务的性能需求,灵活调整加速资源与VNF的映射约束。仿真实验表明,与其他典型部署方法相比,在引入相同硬件加速资源的情况下,该模型可以承载更多的业务流量,满足服务链高性能数据处理需求,有效提高了部署在网络中加速硬件的资源利用率。Abstract: In order to deal with the limited capacity of Virtualized Network Function (VNF), hardware acceleration resources are adopted in Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization (SDN/NFV) architecture. The deployment of hardware acceleration resources enables VNF to provide service guarantees for increasing data traffic. To overcome the ignorance of the requirements for VNF with high processing throughput in service chain in existing researches, a model for VNF placement with hardware acceleration support is proposed. Based on the bearing characteristics of hardware acceleration resources, the model prioritizes the reuse of acceleration resources in the switch under the optimal placement of VNF without acceleration to commercial servers. The mapping correlation between hardware acceleration resources and VNF is flexibly adjusted according to the requirements of network services. Simulation results show that the proposed model can bear more service flows and meet the high processing throughput needs of service chains than typical policies in the case of the same amount of resources, which improves effectively the resource utilization of the acceleration hardware deployed in the network.
表 1 HMRP算法
输入:服务请求集合D,底层网络G,VNF参数集合F 输出:VNF部署方案Pd (1) 根据服务请求${d_i}$,更新底层网络$G\ '$ (2) for x←1 to |S| do //搜索网络中转发节点 (3) s_temp←${o_i}$, g*←0, $\left\{ {{s^*}} \right\} \leftarrow \varPhi $; //初始化搜索节点、链路约束和复用节点集合 (4) find $(s|\alpha \left( {a,s} \right) = 1)$, update g*; //从${o_i}$出发搜索含有${A_s}$的交换节点,并更新链路约束 (5) if $\varepsilon ({f_{i',j'}},s)$==1 && ${f_{i',j'}}{\rm{ = }}{f_{i,j}}$ && ${H_{s,a}} > {c_{n,s}}\left( {{f_{i,j}}} \right)$ && $\left| {{o_i},s} \right| \le j \cdot \theta {g^*}$ then //s 满足复用约束 (6) {s*}←s ; //将复用s 加入{$s^*$} (7) if $\left\{ {{s^*}} \right\} = \varPhi $ then (8) reset空白交换节点$\left(s|\sum {\gamma (f,s) = 0} \right)$ to {$s^*$}; //将搜索到的空白交换节点置入{$s^*$} (9) deploy (${f_{i,j}} \in {F_{As}}$, {$s^*$}), addroute (${P_i}$, {$s^*$}); //构造初始路径 (10) for v←1 to S *+1 do // ${P_i}$分为S *+1段子路径,${L_i}$分为S *+1个子集 (11) if $\left\{ {{f_{i,j}} \in {F_{An}}|{f_{i,j}} \in {l_{i,v}}} \right\} \ne \varPhi $ then (12) deploy (${f_{i,j}} \in {F_{An}}$, ($n|\alpha \left( {a,n} \right) = 1, \; \beta \left( {n,s} \right) = 1, \; s \in {p_{i,v}}$)); //优先部署各子集中加速功能到加速卡 (13) deploy (${q_v}\left| {{\rm{ max}}\left( {{q_j}} \right), \; (n,s} \right|s \in {p_{i,v}},\beta \left( {n,s} \right) = 1 )$); //部署功能最多的方案到子路径上 (14) if $\left\{ {{f_{i,j}} \in {F_{As}}|{f_{i,j}} \in {l_{i,v}}} \right\} \ne \varPhi $ then //若各子集中仍有未部署的加速表网络功能 (15) deploy (${f_{i,j}} \in {F_{As}}, \; (n|\alpha (a,n) = 1, \; \beta \left( {n,s} \right) = 1, \; s \in {p_{i,v}})$); //放宽加速功能映射位置 (16) if $\left\{ {{f_{i,j}} \in {F_{As}} \cup {F_{An}}|{f_{i,j}} \in {l_{i,v}}} \right\} \ne \varPhi $ then //仍有未部署的加速网络功能 (17) reject ${d_i}$; //拒绝该服务请求 (18) break; (19) First-fit_deploy (${f_{i,j}} \in {L_i},n$); //利用First-Fit部署剩余网络功能 表 2 VNF资源参数
VNF类型 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 计算存储资源开销cn 3 4 6 5 5 2 7 6 4 7 5 加速表资源开销${c_{s,a}}$ 2 3 – 5 2 3 – 4 2 – 2 加速卡资源开销${c_{n,a}}$ 1 1 33 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 -
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