Partial Blind Signcryption Scheme in CLPKC-to-TPKI Heterogeneous Environment
摘要: 该文提出在无证书公钥密码体制(CLPKC)和传统公共密钥基础设施体制(TPKI)下部分盲签密方案的形式化定义,并在此基础上提出一个在CLPKC-TPKI环境下具有双线性对的部分盲签密方案。依据随机预言模型,计算Diffie-Hellman困难问题(CDHP)和修改逆计算Diffie-Hellman困难问题(MICDHP)假设,使得方案在异构环境下满足不可伪造性、机密性、部分盲性、不可跟踪性、不可否认性等性质。最后和相关方案进行了比较分析,该文方案在增加了盲性同时并未显著增加计算量的开销。
- 异构签密 /
- 部分盲签密 /
- 修改逆计算Diffie-Hellman困难问题
Abstract: The definition and security models of partial blind signcryption scheme in heterogeneous environment between CertificateLess Public Key Cryptography (CLPKC)and Traditional Public Key Infrastructure (TPKI) are proposed, and a construction by using the bilinear pairing is proposed. Under the random oracle model, based on the assumptions of Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem(CDHP) and Modifying Inverse Computational Diffie-Hellman(MICDHP), the scheme is proved to meet the requirment of the unforgeability, confidentiality, partial blindness, and untraceability, undeniability. Finally, compared with the related scheme, the scheme increases the blindness and does not significantly increase the computational cost. -
表 1 计算复杂度
方案 签密 解签密 系统参数 盲性 文献[15] 2E+P E+3P 不同 满足 本文 0E+0P 0E+2P 不同 满足 -
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