Resource Allocation Based on Bandwidth Prediction in Software-defined Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network
摘要: 针对时分波分复用无源光网络(TWDM-PON)多个光线路终端(OLT)间资源缺乏协同集中调度问题,该文提出一种带有软件定义的基于带宽预测的资源分配策略(RABP)。在光线路终端间,设计粒子群优化的BP神经网络模型预测各光线路终端所需带宽,避免了控制器与光线路终端信息交互时延对资源分配实时性的影响;其次,在光线路终端内,动态设定滑动周期并基于光网络单元授权信息实时统计资源池共享带宽,同时,设计负载均衡的波长调度机制实现多波长的高效利用。仿真结果表明,该策略提高了信道资源利用率,降低了平均包时延。Abstract: Considering lacking of centralized and synergistic scheduling for time-slots and wavelength resources of the inter-TWDM-PONs, a novel Resource Allocation based on Bandwidth Prediction (RABP) strategy with software-defined centralized schedule is proposed. For intra-Optical Line Terminal (OLT), the BP neural network model based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is designed to predict the required bandwidth of each OLT in order to avoid the impact of delay between controller and OLT on real-time resource allocation. For inter-OLT, the slide cycle is dynamically set, and then the shared bandwidth of resource pool is counted in real-time according to the authorized information of optical network unit. In the process of wavelength scheduling, a wavelength scheduling mechanism with load balancing to achieve efficiently utilizing of wavelength resource is designed. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy not only effectively improves the utilization of channel resources, but also reducs the average packet delay.
表 1 公式符号含义
符号 含义 N ONU的数目 M 波长数 R 传输速率 ${T_{\max}}$ 最大轮询周期 ${T_{{\rm{sl}}}}$ 滑动周期 ${t_g}$ ONU之间的保护时隙 ${B_{\min}}$ 最小保证带宽 ${t_i}$ ONUi数据传输时间 $t_i^{s, K}$ 在第K个周期${\rm{ON}}{{\rm{U}}_i}$传输数据的开始时刻 ${\lambda _j}$ 第j条波长 ${t_c}$ GATE帧或REPORT帧的传输时间 ${e_{ij}}$ 波长${\lambda _j}$与${\rm{ON}}{{\rm{U}}_i}$与之间的关系 ${R_i}$ ${\rm{ON}}{{\rm{U}}_i}$的请求带宽 ${G_i}$ ${\rm{ON}}{{\rm{U}}_i}$的授权带宽 ${O_i}$ ${\rm{ONU}}_i$的额外授权带宽 $B_i^{\rm{po}}$ 资源池共享带宽 -
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