Security Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm for Millimeter Wave Downlink Multiuser System
Abstract:The millimeter-wave hybrid beamforming becomes a widely accepted beamforming method in millimeter-wave systems. However there is almost no hybrid beamforming algorithm based on security. Especially when the eavesdropper has multi-user decoding capability, the system security performance can not be guaranteed. To solve this problem, a security hybrid beamforming algorithm is proposed for millimeter wave downlink multiuser system based on artificial noise. First, the analog part and the digital part of the hybrid beamforming matrix are decoupled. Based on the channel characteristics, the analog and digital beamforming matrices of useful signals are designed by maximizing the user’s received signal energy and Zero-Forcing (ZF). Then, the artificial noise baseband digital precoding matrix is designed by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and the artificial noise is placed in null space of the legal users and worsening eavesdropping channel. Simulation results show that the artificial noise-assisted secure hybrid beamforming algorithm solves effectively the security problem of the system when there are multi-user decoding ability eavesdroppers.
表 1 毫米波下行多用户系统安全混合波束成形算法
算法步骤: 输入:$\mathbb{F}$, $\mathbb{W} $, $P$, $\phi $; 第1阶段: 对每个用户$k$, $k = 1,2, ·\!·\!· ,K$ 基站和用户联合计算: $\left\{ {{{f}}_k^{*} ,{{W}}\!\!_k^{\ *}} \right\} = \mathop {\arg \max }\limits_{{{{W}}\!_k} \in {\mathcal{W}} , {{{f}}\!_k} \in {\mathcal{F}}} \left| {{{W}}\!\!_k^{\ \rm{H}}{{{H}}\!_k}{{f}}\!_k^{{\ \rm{RF}}}} \right|$ 用户$k$设置$ {{{W}}\!_k} = {{W}}\!_k^{\ *} $ 基站设置$ {{{F}}_{{\rm{RF}}}} = \left[ {{{f}}_1^ * ·\!·\!· {{f}}\!_K^{\ *} ,{{{v}}_{K + 1}} ·\!·\!· {{{v}}_{{L_{\rm t}}}}} \right]$ 第2阶段: 对每个用户$k$, $k = 1,2, ·\!·\!· ,K$ 用户计算等效基带信道矩阵${{\tilde{ H}}\!_k} = {{W}}\!_k^{\ \rm{H}}{{{H}}\!_k}{{{F}}_{{\rm{RF}}}}$ 用户向基站反馈信道状态信息${{\tilde{ H}}\!_k}$
基站计算${\tilde{ H}} = {\left[ {{\tilde{ H}}_1^{\rm{T}},{\tilde{ H}}_2^{\rm{T}}, ·\!·\!·, {\tilde{ H}}\!_K^{\rm{T}}} \right]^{\rm{T}}}$, ${{{F}}_{{\rm{BB}}}} = {{\tilde{ H}}^{\rm{H}}}{\left( {{\tilde{ H}}{{{\tilde{ H}}}^{\rm{H}}}} \right)^{ - 1}}$;基 站进行奇异值分解${\tilde{ H}} \!=\! {\tilde{ U}}\tilde {Σ} {{\tilde{ V}}^{\rm{H}}}$,设置${{{F}}_{{\rm{BB}},z}} \!=\!\! {\tilde{ V}}\left( {:,K + 1, ·\!·\!· ,{L_{\rm t}}} \right)$输出:基站端模拟预编码${{{F}}_{{\rm{RF}}}}$,基站端数字预编码${{{F}}_{{\rm{BB}}}}$,人工噪 声数字预编码${{{F}}_{{\rm{BB,}}z}}$,用户处模拟接收成形矩阵${{{W}}\!_k}$。 -
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