A Design of Ultra-broad-band Miniaturized Matematerial Absorber Based on Loading Lumped Resistances
摘要: 为提高吸波体吸波效率,该文设计了一种基于集总电阻加载的小型化超宽带超材料吸波体结构,该结构通过纵向级联的方式,结合上下两层吸波体结构拓展了带宽。通过等效电路分析得到该吸波体在宽频带内具有良好的阻抗匹配,并通过电流分析验证了吸波机理。整个吸波体的单元大小仅为0.089
$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ ×0.089$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ ($\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ 为该结构最低吸波频率所对应的波长)。厚度为0.078$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ 。仿真结果表明:在2.24~16.14 GHz吸波率始终大于90%,相对带宽达151%。制备相应实物并进行测试,实测结果与仿真结果基本吻合。Abstract: A metameterial absorber is designed, fabricated and experimentally demonstrated to realized ultra-wideband absorption based on loading lumped resistances to raise the efficiency of absorber. The proposed structure comprises of an upper absorber and an under absorber by longitudinal cascade to expand bandwidth. The analysis of equivalent circuit show that the absorber has good impedance matching in a wide frequency band and the mechanism of wave absorption is verified by current analysis. The size of the unit is only about 0.089$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ ×0.089$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ , where$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ is the wavelength of the lowest frequency, and the total thickness of the absorber is only 0.078$\lambda_ {\rm{L}}$ . Simulated and experimental results show that the absorber exhibits absorptivity above 90% from 2.24 GHz to 16.14 GHz, and the relative absorption bandwidth is about 151%. Measurement results show good agreement with the numerically simulated results.-
Key words:
- Matematerial /
- Ultra-wideband /
- Absorber /
- Lumped resistances
表 1 复合结构参数数值
参数 a b c d e f H1 H2 r s t u v 尺寸(mm) 12.0 11.8 3.9 6.2 1.7 3.4 7.0 1.0 4.1 1.0 6.1 12.0 2.5 -
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