Resource Allocation Algorithm of Network Slicing Based on Online Auction
Abstract:In order to meet the diversified service requirements in future mobile communication networks and provide users with customized services while improving network economic efficiency, a resource allocation algorithm of network slicing based on online auction is proposed. The algorithm transforms the service requests of users into the corresponding bidding information according to the service types. For maximizing the social welfare of the auction participants, the slicing resource allocation problem is modeled as a multi-service based online winner determination problem. Combined with the resource allocation and price updating strategy, the optimal resources allocation based on online auction is achieved. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the network economic efficiency and satisfy the service requirements of users.
Key words:
- Network slicing /
- Resource allocation /
- Multi-service /
- Online auction
表 1 仿真参数表
仿真参数 仿真值 切片所属业务类型出现概率 eMBB: 0.6, uRLLC: 0.2, mMTC: 0.2 切片生命周期${\tau _i}$ $\left[ {{t_i}, T}\; \right]$ VNF种类 10 可共享VNF种类 5 区域个数 5 资源种类 3 区域资源总量${C^{k, z}}$ [300, 1200] 可共享VNF处理能力${D_{v, z}}$ [6, 20] 区域间链路带宽${L_{z, z'}}$ [6, 20] 上传/下载带宽容量$Q_z^{{\rm{up}}}$/$Q_z^{{\rm{dw}}}$ [40, 80] -
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