Energy Efficiency Routing Strategy with Lightpath Impairment Awareness in Service-Oriented Elastic Optical Networks
Abstract:To address the problems of low spectrum utilization and high energy consumption caused by physical impairment in elastic optical networks, a service differentiated energy efficiency routing strategy with Link Impairment-Aware Spectrum Partition (LI-ASP) is proposed. For reducing the nonlinear impairment between different channels, a path weight formula jointly considering the link spectrum state and transmission impairment is designed to balance the load. A modulation level-layered auxiliary graph is constructed according to traffic’s spectrum efficiency and maximum transmission distance. Starting from the highest modulation in the auxiliary graph, the K link-disjoined maximum weight paths are selected for high quality requests, and the K link-disjoined shortest energy efficiency paths are selected for low quality requests. Then, LI-ASP strategy divides spectrum partition according to requests rate ratio. The First-Fit (FF) and Last-Fit (LF) spectrum allocation policies are used to reduce cross-phase modulation between the requests with different rates. The simulation results show that the proposed LI-ASP strategy can reduce the bandwidth blocking probability and energy consumption effectively.
表 1 不同调制方式下子载波传输速率、能耗、最大传输距离及信噪比阈值
调制方式 调制等级m 传输速率(Gb/s) 能耗功率(W) 最大传输距离(km) 信噪比阈值(dB) BPSK 1 12.5 112.374 4000 6.8 QPSK 2 25.0 133.416 2000 9.8 8QAM 3 37.5 154.457 1000 13.7 16QAM 4 50.0 175.489 500 16.5 32QAM 5 62.5 196.539 250 19.7 表 2 LI-ASP能效路由策略步骤
输入 光网络拓扑${{G}}\left( {{{V}}, {{E}}, {{S}}} \right)$,节点集${{V}} = \left\{ {{v_i}|i = 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , |{{V}}|} \right\}$,链路集${{E}} = \left\{ {{e_{ij}}|i, j \in {{V}}, i \ne j} \right\}$,链路频隙集${{S}} = \left\{ {{s_i}|i = 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , |{{S}}|} \right\}$,
业务集${{R}} = \left\{ {{r_i}|i = 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , |{{R}}|} \right\}$表示,令$k = 1$,$m = M$,业务请求${r_i}\left( {s, d, {\rm{fs}}\_n, Q} \right)$,s为源节点,d为目的节点,${\rm{fs}}\_n$为业务请求
M层调制等级辅助图(预处理)。输出 业务${r_i}$的传输路径${p_k}$和分配的第1个、最后频隙索引值${f_ {\rm{ts}}}$和${f_ {\rm{te}}}$。 步骤 1 业务${r_i}\left( {s, d, {\rm{fs}}\_n, Q} \right)$到达,从频谱效率最高调制等级m=M分层辅助图开始为业务选择传输路径; 步骤 2 判断Q是否为1,若为1,为高质量业务,算法转步骤3;否则,为低质量业务,转算法步骤4; 步骤 3 根据式(8)计算源和目的节点间K条满足跳数阈值Hop的最大权重路径${{{P}}^H}\{{p_1}, {p_2}, ·\!·\!· , {p_K}\}$,转步骤5; 步骤 4 根据业务源节点和目的节点选择存放在KSP中的K条最短路径,根据能耗模型计算路径能耗,按照能耗大小升序排列K条路径
${{{P}}^L}\{ {p_1}, {p_2}, ·\!·\!· , {p_K}\}$;步骤 5 计算当前调制等级下业务${r_i}$传输所需的频隙数目,从路径集合中选择第${p_k}$条路径,$k = 1, 2, ·\!·\!· , K$,计算该路径上可用频谱块Block
$\{ {b_1}, {b_2}, ·\!·\!· , {b_j}\} $,若可用频谱块集合非空,转算法步骤8;否则转算法步骤6;步骤 6 若$m < 1$,当前传输路径无可用调制方式,转步骤7;否则降低调制等级,$m = m - 1$,转步骤2; 步骤 7 若$k > K$,业务${r_i}$被阻塞,释放网络中已传输业务占用的频谱资源,更新光网络G的频谱资源;否则,$k = k + 1$,$m = M$,转算
法步骤5;步骤 8 根据业务请求频隙数目${\rm{fs}}\_n$,分别计算采用FF和LF频谱分区分配策略需要占用候选路径上各链路相邻信道数目和的值,选择占
用相邻信道数目和值较小的FF或LF频谱分配方式;步骤 9 根据物理损伤模型计算该路径上业务的传输误比特率${\rm{BER}}_{{r_i}}^k$,若${\rm{BER}}_{{r_i}}^k$小于业务误码率阈值,转算法步骤10;否则,$m = m - 1$,
转算法步骤5;步骤 10 判断传输路径${p_k}$是否造成网络中其他正传输业务阻塞,若是,记录阻塞的业务BT$\{ {\rm{rb}}_1, {\rm{rb}}_2, ·\!·\!· , {\rm{rb}}_i\} $,调用LI-ASP能效路由策略重
配置被阻塞的业务BT$\{ {\rm{rb}}_1, {\rm{rb}}_2, ·\!·\!· , {\rm{rb}}_i\} $;否则,转算法步骤12;步骤 11 若业务重配置成功,转算法步骤12;否则,$m = m - 1$,转算法步骤5; 步骤 12 业务${r_i}$成功传输,记录传输路径${p_k}$,记录分配的第1个频隙索引值${f_ {\rm{ts}}}$和最后频隙索引值${f_ {\rm{te}}}$。 表 3 物理损伤参数设置
参数 值 参数 值 G(W/THz) 0.015 L(km) 80 $\alpha $(dB/km) 0.22 v(THz) 193 nsp 1.8 ${\beta _2}$(ps2/km) –21.7 h(J/s) $6.626 \times {10^{ - 34}}$ $\gamma $(W·km)–1 1.32 ${\rm{BER}}_t^h$ ${10^{ - 12}}$ ${\rm{BER}}_t^l$ ${10^{ - 9}}$ -
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