A Direct Fusion Algorithm for Multiple Pieces of Evidence Based on Improved Conflict Measure
- Dempster证据组合规则 /
- 冲突度量 /
- 证据距离 /
- 非重合度
Abstract:In the light of the disadvantages that Jousselme’s evidential distance function can not describe the local conflicting information of evidence well and can not measure the conflict of high conflicting evidence accurately, an improved Jousselme’s evidential distance function is proposed. In the new function, Jousselme’s evidence distance function is improved by using the non-coincidence degree, which can better describe the local conflict of evidence, so that the conflict measure result of evidence varies proportionally with the value of the non-coincidence degree and the scope of its change. Secondly, an improved fusion conflict measure function is constructed based on the conflict coefficient and the new improved Jousselme’s evidential distance function. On this basis, the weight coefficient formula of focal element is improved, and the local multi-dimensional conflicting information is assigned proportionately. Theoretical and application analysis results show that the new algorithm is a kind of evidence fusion algorithm with wide applicability and good anti-jamming performance.
表 1 不同参数对情况1中证据的冲突度量结果
冲突度量参数 ${m_1}$与${m_1}$ ${m_2}$与${m_2}$ ${m_1}$与${m_2}$ ${d_J}$ 0 0 0.4500 $k$ 0.4600 0.5050 0.6850 ${n_c}$ 0 0 0.4500 ${d_{{\rm{PJ}}}}$ 0 0 0.6255 ${d_{{\rm{NIJ}}}}(\gamma {\rm{ = 4)}}$ 0 0 0.7618 ${d^f}(\gamma {\rm{ = 4)}}$ 0.2652 0.2964 0.7241 表 2 不同参数对情况2中证据的冲突度量结果
冲突度量参数 ${m_1}$与${m_1}$ ${m_2}$与${m_2}$ ${m_1}$与${m_2}$ ${d_J}$ 0 0 0.8352 $k$ 0 0.4050 0.9000 ${n_c}$ 0 0 0.9000 ${d_{{\rm{PJ}}}}$ 0 0 0.9352 ${d_{{\rm{NIJ}}}}(\gamma {\rm{ = 8)}}$ 0 0 0.9886 ${d^f}(\gamma {\rm{ = 8)}}$ 0 0.2287 0.9662 -
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