An Airborne SAR Image Target Location Algorithm Based on Parameter Refining
Abstract:The target location accuracy is an important technical parameter of airborne SAR system, thus the target location of airborne SAR image is important for application. The precision of the moving parameters directly influences the precision of the SAR image target location algorithm based on the Range-Doppler (RD) model. The locating accuracy is greatly affected if the navigation accuracy of the airborne platform is limited. To solve this problem, an airborne SAR image target location algorithm based on RD model parameter refining is proposed. Using the matching points of airborne SAR image matching with the reference image, the moving parameters are refined with better accuracy, and the locating accuracy is improved. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm is effective.
Key words:
- SAR /
- Range-Doppler (RD) model /
- SAR image location
表 1 定位结果与误差
目标1 目标2 目标3 目标4 目标5 目标6 真实位置 (109.533047°, 34.834823°, 374 m) (109.540250°, 34.833684°, 360 m) (109.546419°, 34.836492°, 370 m) (109.545977°, 34.823204°, 364 m) (109.531886°, 34.820393°, 375 m) (109.534006°, 34.833703°, 369 m) RD方法
结果(109.532502°, 34.835272°, 375 m) (109.539727°, 34.834130°, 354 m) (109.545901°, 34.836621°, 372 m) (109.545668°, 34.823400°, 372 m) (109.531688°, 34.820907°, 359 m) (109.533567°, 34.834173°, 361 m) RD方法
误差(m)63.05 60.74 57.96 35.29 29.27 51.98 本文方法
结果(109.532917°, 34.834972°, 372 m) (109.540145°, 34.833778°, 360 m) (109.546375°, 34.836374°, 372 m) (109.545927°, 34.823166°, 364 m) (109.531866°, 34.820466°, 375 m) (109.533968°, 34.833748°, 372 m) 本文方法误差(m) 15.52 12.23 6.60 5.78 3.49 4.50 -
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