A Motion Error Estimation Method Joint Envelope and Phase for 10 GHz Ultra-wideband Microwave Photonic-based SAR Image
由于运动误差严重的2维空变性,对于10 GHz超宽带微波光子SAR,传统的直接从相位进行运动误差估计的方法估计精度不高。因此,该文提出一种包络与相位联合的超高分辨运动误差估计方法,能够在没有惯导信息时实现运动误差的精确估计。该方法首先在距离徙动矫正(RCMC)之前,通过对包络对齐算法(RAA)提取的包络信息采用最小二乘算法(LSA)与梯度下降算法(GDA)获得近似的3维运动误差。接着,对粗补偿与RCMC之后的数据,先消除方位相位空变,然后采用两维空变的相位误差估计方法获得剩余运动误差的精确估计。仿真和车载微波光子雷达实测数据验证了该方法的有效性。
Abstract:Due to the 2-D vacancies with serious motion errors when processing 10 GHz ultra-wideband microwave photonic-based SAR, current motion error estimation methods directly estimating with phase error can not obtain correct estimation result in this paper. An ultra-high resolution SAR motion error estimation method jointing envelope and phase is proposed, which can realize accurate estimation of motion error without inertial information. Firstly, the approximate 3-D motion error is obtained by applying the Least Squares Algorithm (LSA) and the Gradient Descent Algorithm (GDA) to the envelope information extracted by the Range Alignment Algorithm (RAA) before Range Curve Migration Correction (RCMC). Then, phase-based motion error estimation is performed on the data after rough compensation and RCMC. After eliminating the azimuth variant phase error, the 2-D space-variant phase error estimation method is used to obtain accurate estimation of residual motion error. Processing of simulated data and real data acquired from vehicle-borne microwave photonic-based radar validates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
表 1 雷达系统参数
参数 值 参数 值 中心频率(GHz) 35 飞行速度(km/h) 10 带宽(GHz) 10 俯仰角(°) 13 采用频率(MHz) 500 距离分辨率(cm) 1.5 脉冲重复频率(Hz) 666 方位分辨率(cm) 2.5 中心斜距(m) 150 -
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