An Adaptive Vertical Handover Algorithm Based on Artificial Neural Network in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
摘要: 针对当前基于人工神经网络的垂直切换算法(ANN-VHO),存在业务自适应性差和计算复杂度高的问题,该文提出一种基于人工神经网络的自适应垂直切换算法。首先,根据终端获取到的接收信号强度(RSS),采用阈值判断的方法,遴选出候选网络集;其次,根据该文划分的不同业务类型,对参数进行自适应选择和归一化;再次,把选择的参数输入人工神经网络,判决出候选网络集中最佳的接入网络。最后,实验结果表明,该算法能根据用户的业务类型合理地选择切换网络,降低切换阻塞率,同时降低算法的时间复杂度。Abstract: Current research on Vertical HandOver algorithm based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN-VHO) has a poor service adaptability and high computational complexity. Considering this problem, an adaptive vertical handover algorithm based on artificial neural network is proposed. Firstly, according to the Received Signal Strength (RSS) obtained by the terminal, a method of thresholding is used to select a candidate network set. Secondly, in terms of the different types of services classified in this paper, the parameters are normalized and adaptively selected; Thirdly, the selected parameters are input into the artificial neural network to choose the best access network from the candidate network. Finally, the experimental results show that the algorithm can reasonably select the handover network according to the user's service type, reduce the handover blocking rate and lower the time complexity of the algorithm.
Key words:
- Heterogeneous wireless networks /
- Type of service /
- Adaptive selection /
- Neural network
表 1 各参数的范围值
业务 带宽(kbps) 时延(ms) 抖动(ms) 丢包率(×10–6) 会话类 30~100 5~40 交互类 50~270 1~100 流类 50~10000 10~50 后台类 10~1000 10~1000 表 2 候选网络的参数值
网络 带宽(kbps) 时延(ms) 抖动(ms) 丢包率(×10–6) LTE 310 48 9 28 WLAN1 4100 105 38 9 WLAN2 6900 180 67 1 WLAN3 3400 50 17 1 WLAN4 2300 60 11 20 WLAN5 5600 91 12 16 -
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