Candidate Region Extraction Method for Multi-satellite and Multi-resolution SAR Ships
Abstract:The traditional methods based on CFAR and Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) for SAR ship candidate region extraction has the following defects: The choice of false alarm rate of CFAR depends on artificial experience; CFAR only models the sea clutter distribution, which poses a certain risk of missing detection to the target; When KDE is used to filter strong sea clutter, the threshold must be selected by artificial experience. These defects make the traditional method unable to adapt to complex scene, such as multi-satellite and multi-resolution. A candidate region extraction method for multi-satellite and multi-resolution SAR ships is proposed. In view of the defects of CFAR, an iterative method of mean dichotomy is proposed to approximate the target and calculate the segmentation threshold. The calculation efficiency of this method is more than 10 times higher than that of CFAR while overcoming the defects of CFAR; In view of the defects of KDE, block KDE combined with large threshold is used to filter strong sea clutter, and then seed point growth algorithm is used to reconstruct target. Because the large threshold has enough thresholds, the method can adapt to more complex scenarios. Experiments show that the proposed method has the advantages of no missed detection, self-adaptive threshold, high computational efficiency, and low false alarm rate. It has excellent multi-satellite and multi-resolution SAR ship candidate region extraction capability.
表 1 典型舰船尺度表
船舶类型 船舶名称 船长(m) 船宽(m) 船舶类型 船舶名称 船长(m) 船宽(m) 集装箱船 COSCO_KAWASAKI 260 32 油船 ZHONG CHI 188 31 N.Y.K.LEO 300 40 WANG CHI 187 32 HYUNDAI_BRIDGE 182 35 驱逐舰 055型 160~180 21~23 HUA_RUN_CHUANG_YE 190 31 日本金刚级 161 21 表 2 该实验场景下6种分布CFAR的Pfa的合理取值表
分布名称 Pfa (%) 分布名称 Pfa (%) 高斯分布 2~3 指数分布 10~15 韦布尔分布 3~4 Gamma分布 2~4 对数分布 5~10 瑞利分布 2~4 -
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