A Robust Broadband Interference Suppression Algorithm Based on Few Snapshots
Abstract:For the requirement of broadband interference suppression for passive sonar, a robust broadband interference suppression algorithm using few snapshots is proposed. Based on the estimated bearing of the broadband interference, the algorithm obtains the steered cross-spectral density matrix through multi-frequency data in the bandwidth and estimates the signal subspace, then uses the projection approach to correct the unit vector, and estimates the steering vector of interference through inversely transforming. Repeating above steps can obtain the interference steering vector set, thereby constructing the suppression matrix. The interference component of array data is eliminated by suppression matrix processing, and the final spatial spectrum can be obtained after spatial processing. The theoretical analysis, simulation and processing of sea trial data show that the proposed algorithm uses few, even single frequency domain snapshots processing, and still has good performance in environments where target motion, conditions rapid change and other conditions that time integration is unsuitable, at the same time, algorithm is robust for mismatches faced by space processing.
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