Gesture Recognition with Multi-dimensional Parameter Using FMCW Radar
Abstract:A multi-parameter convolutional neural network method is proposed for gesture recognition based on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar. A multidimensional parameter dataset is constructed for gestures by performing time-frequency analysis of the radar signal to estimate the distance, Doppler and angle parameters of the gesture target. To realize feature extraction and classification accurately, an end-to-end structured Range-Doppler-Angle of Time (RDA-T) multi-dimensional parameter convolutional neural network scheme is further proposed using multi-branch network structure and high-dimensional feature fusion. The experimental results reveal that using the combined gestures information of distance, Doppler and angle for multi-parameter learning, the proposed scheme resolves the problem of low information quantity of single-dimensional gesture recognition methods, and its accuracy outperforms the single-dimensional methods in terms of gesture recognition by 5%~8%.
Key words:
- FMCW radar /
- Gesture recognition /
- Deeplearning /
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
表 1 不同帧数下的准确率比较结果(%)
8帧数据集 16帧数据集 24帧数据集 32帧数据集 准确率 70.3 79.7 88.3 95.3 表 2 手势分类混淆矩阵(%)
预测类别 前推 后拉 左滑 右滑 前后推拉 左右滑动 真实类别 前推 90 0 4 0 0 6 后拉 0 100 0 0 0 0 左滑 0 0 98 2 0 0 右滑 0 2 0 94 0 4 前后推拉 4 0 0 0 94 2 左右滑动 2 0 0 0 2 96 表 3 本文方法与其他方法准确率和算法复杂度对比
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