An Improvement Project of Roundoff Noise Performance of FIR Filters Based on Structure Optimization
Abstract:For the problem of the finite word length effect of prototype filters in hardware implementation of the filter bank system, this paper studies how to improve the performance of roundoff noise caused by signal quantization for the FIR prototype filter, that is, to reduce the roundoff noise gain. An FIR filter optimization structure is proposed. By analyzing the source of roundoff noise, a polynomial parameterization method is used to derive the roundoff noise gain expression. The simulation example shows that the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency response of the proposed structure filter are basically consistent with the ideal state under different constraint of word length. Compared with the existing algorithms, the proposed structure has a smaller roundoff noise gain.
Key words:
- FIR filter /
- Finite word length /
- Roundoff noise gain
表 1 低通滤波器仿真参数
参数 数值 通带截止频率 $0.3{{π}}\ {\rm{rad}}$ 阻带截止频率 $0.5{{π}}\ {\rm{rad}}$ 通带最大衰减 1 dB 阻带最小衰减 40 dB 表 2 各结构舍入噪声增益性能对比
自由因子$K$ ${10^{ - 7}}$ ${10^{ - 6}}$ ${10^{ - 5}}$ ${10^{ - 4}}$ ${10^{ - 3}}$ 优化结构 $6.248$ $6.248$ $6.248$ $8.425$ $10.210$ 传统结构 $24$ $24$ $24$ $24$ $24$ 表 3 各实现方式舍入噪声增益性能对比
实现方式 舍入噪声增益 传统实现 24 Tabu算法 24 模拟退火算法 24 优化结构 5.273 -
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