A Fragment-aware Secure Virtual Network Reconfiguration Method
Abstract:The existing virtual network reconfiguration algorithms do not consider the fragment resources generated in the physical network, which results in the improvement of the performance of the online virtual network embedding algorithms is not obvious. To solve this problem, a definition of network resource fragmentation is given, and a Fragment-Aware Secure Virtual Network Reconfiguration (FA-SVNR) algorithm is proposed. In the process of reconfiguration, the virtual node set to be migrated is selected by considering the fragmentation of nodes in the physical network periodically, and the best virtual node migration scheme is selected by considering the reduction of the fragmentation of the physical network and the reduction of the embedding cost of the virtual network. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has the higher acceptance ratio and revenue to cost ratio compared with the existing virtual network reconfiguration algorithm, especially in the metric of revenue to cost ratio.
表 1 仿真时网络参数详情
参数 物理网络 虚拟网络 节点数量 100 [4, 8]均匀分布 节点CPU资源 [50, 100]均匀分布 [2, 30]均匀分布 节点安全等级 [1, 5]均匀分布 [1, 5]均匀分布 节点安全需求等级 [1, 5]均匀分布 [1, 5]均匀分布 链路数量 500 每对虚拟节点间存在一条虚拟链路的概率为50% 链路带宽资源 [50, 100]均匀分布 [2, 30]均匀分布 表 2 稳定状态下物理网络负载情况对比
比较的参数 NR-SVNE+FA-SVNR NR-SVNE+TA-SVNR NR-SVNE 物理节点负载强度均值 0.7883 0.7559 0.7453 物理节点负载强度均方差 0.1859 0.1940 0.2254 物理链路负载强度均值 0.6334 0.6739 0.6974 物理链路负载强度均方差 0.2483 0.2620 0.2789 -
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