A Traffic Scheduling Algorithm for Bandwidth Fragmentation Minimization and QoS Guarantee in Data Center Network
Abstract:With the rapid growth of Data Center Network (DCN) traffic, how to improve the performance and service quality of data center network become a research hotspot. However, when the network load increases, the existing traffic scheduling algorithm on the one hand may cause bandwidth fragmentation results in the network throughput decrease, on the other hand, it neglects the traffic application requirements to lead to poor QoS. Therefore, a dynamic traffic scheduling algorithm for bandwidth fragmentation minimization and QoS guarantee is proposed. The algorithm takes into account the different requirements of the bandwidth-sensitive large flows, and delay sensitive and packet-loss sensitive small flows. Firstly, the shortest path set is established according to the source address and destination address of the to-be-scheduled flow. Secondly, all the paths that satisfy the bandwidth requirement of the to-be-scheduled flow are selected. Then, the weight function is established for each path according to the free bandwidth of the path and the application requirements of the small flow. Finally, the forwarding path is selected based on the weight function value by roulette algorithm. The network simulation results show that when the network load increases, the proposed algorithm reduces the packet loss rate and delay of small flows, and improves the network throughput compared with other algorithms.
Key words:
- Data Center Network(DCN) /
- Traffic scheduling /
- Bandwidth fragmentation /
- QoS
表 1 FMBA算法伪代码
$\begin{array}{l}\left( 1 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm for\;each\;path} \in {K_{\rm src \to dst}}\;{\rm do}\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 2 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm if}\;{B_{\rm \min }} \cdot \mu > {B_n}\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 3 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm selectedPath \leftarrow {\mathop{\rm path}\nolimits} .\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 4 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm return\;selectedPath\end{array}$ 表 2 BFrag算法伪代码
$\begin{array}{l}\left( 1 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm for\;each\;path} \in {K_{\rm src \to dst}}\;\rm do\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 2 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm if}\;{B_{\rm \min }} > {B_{\rm n}}\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 3 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm candidatePath.add(path);\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 4 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm if\;candidatePath\;is\;empty\;then\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 5 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;k + = 1\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 6 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm for\;each\;p \in candidatePath\;do\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 7 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm weight}1 \leftarrow \left( {{B_{\rm \min }} \cdot \mu - {B_n}} \right)/B\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 8 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm weight}2 \leftarrow ({B_{\rm \max }} - {B_{\rm \min }})/B\\{\rm{}}\\\left( 9 \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm weight \leftarrow weight1 \cdot \alpha + weight2 \cdot \left( {1{\rm{ - }}\alpha } \right)\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {10} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm totalProbability + = 1/weight\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {11} \right)\;\;\;\;\;{\rm for\;each}\;p \in \rm candidatePath\;do\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {12} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm probabilty \leftarrow totalProbability/weight\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {13} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm cumulativeProbabilty + = probabilty\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {14} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\rm while\;cumulativeProbabilty \ge fslice\;do\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {15} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm selectedPath} \leftarrow p\\{\rm{}}\\\left( {16} \right)\;\;\;\;\;\rm return\;selectedPath\end{array}$ 表 3
${μ} $ 取不同值时算法结果对比$\mu $取值 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 平均吞吐量(Gbps) 7.821 7.756 6.601 6.416 标准化吞吐量 0.488 0.484 0.413 0.401 小流时延(ms) 14.43 12.69 17.50 10.18 小流时延偏差(ms) 19.27 14.82 10.64 12.82 小流丢包率(‰) 0.127 0.094 0.104 0.115 表 4
${α}$ 取不同值时算法结果对比$\alpha $取值 平均吞吐量
吐量小流时延(ms) 小流时延
包率(‰)0.1 6.765 0.423 17.93 10.09 0.142 0.2 6.778 0.424 26.88 10.81 0.280 0.3 6.527 0.408 14.73 10.13 0.135 0.4 6.672 0.417 28.39 10.83 0.176 0.5 6.945 0.434 80.55 14.79 0.091 0.6 7.019 0.438 20.13 15.49 0.129 0.7 7.100 0.443 20.07 16.33 0.200 0.8 7.095 0.443 21.24 14.81 0.164 0.9 7.228 0.452 25.20 16.45 0.221 表 5 算法运行时间结果对比(s)
发送大流数目 1 2 3 4 5 FMBA运行时间 198.34 258.81 300.12 349.97 403.88 BFrag运行时间 200.56 246.20 295.54 345.68 391.74 Hedera运行时间 201.39 255.50 298.81 343.10 392.15 ECMP运行时间 141.58 190.96 239.35 286.76 335.00 -
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