Time of Arrival Estimation Based on Sparse Reconstruction Loop Matching Pursuit Algorithm
Abstract:Under Single Measurement Vector (SMV) and low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) conditions, the sparse reconstruction method can improve the estimation accuracy of Time Of Arrival (TOA). However, the existing reconstruction algorithms have some mistakes and missing in the selection of sparse support set elements, which leads to limited estimation accuracy. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes an algorithm based on sparse reconstruction Loop Matching Pursuit (LMP), which improves the estimation accuracy of the direct path. The algorithm first establishes a sparse representation model of channel impulse response. Then, under the premise of having obtained initial support set, the elements in the support set are removed cyclically. In addition, according to the maximum value of the current residual within the product, the remaining elements are used to match and add the new elements until the residual product is the same. Finally, the estimate of the TOA is obtained using the relationship between the time delay value and the sparse support set. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has higher estimation accuracy than the traditional sparse reconstruction time delay estimation algorithm. At the same time, based on the USRP platform, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by the actual signal.
表 1 OFDM系统参数设置
参数 数值 FFT周期${T_{{\rm{FFT}}}}$ 3.2 μs 系统带宽$B$ 20 MHz 子载波数 64个 载波频率${f_c}$ 2.4 GHz 表 2 计算复杂度对比
算法 复杂度 Root-Music $O\left( {{M^3}{\rm{ + 2}}{{\rm{M}}^2}{\rm{ + }}5M{\rm{ - }}LM} \right)$ OMP $O\left( {{M^2}{L^2} + MNL} \right)$ LMP $O\left( {2{M^2}{L^2} + 2MNL} \right)$ CoSaMP $O\left( {3{M^2}{L^2} + MNL} \right)$ NS $O\left( {{N^2} + ({M^2} + {L^2})N} \right)$ 表 3 5种算法多径估计结果比较
算法 第1条径 第2条径 第3条径 估计均值(m) 标准差 RMSE 估计均值(m) 标准差 估计均值(m) 标准差 LMP 50.0100 0.3015 0.3017 57.0900 0.3803 62.7900 0.3562 OMP 48.9000 1.4387 1.8111 56.8400 2.2037 61.5600 1.3537 CoSaMP 47.5500 2.5989 3.5717 58.4800 1.4648 59.8200 1.3563 NS 49.7600 0.6556 0.6742 55.8900 2.3162 60.5100 1.1623 Root-Music 49.8250 0.7915 0.7925 57.6600 0.9468 62.2200 0.9119 -
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