Hybrid Point of Interest Recommendation Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
Abstract:When modeling user preferences, the current researches of recommendation ignore the problem of modeling initialization and the review information accompanied with rating information for recommender models, integrating deep learning into the recommendation system becomes a hotspot of Point-Of-Interest (POI) recommendation. In this paper, a new POI recommendation model called Matrix Factorization Model integrated with Hybrid Neural Networks (MFM-HNN) is proposed. The model improves the performance of POI recommendation by fusing review text and check-in information based on Neural Network (NN). Specifically, the convolutional neural network is used to learn the feature representation of the review text and the check-in information is initialized by using the stacked denoising autoencoder. Furthermore, the extended matrix factorization model is exploited to fuse the review information feature and the initial value of the check-in information for POI recommendation. As is shown in the experimental results on real datasets, the proposed MFM-HNN achieves better recommendation performances than the other state-of-the-art POI recommendation algorithms.
表 1 MFM-HNN模型学习算法
输入:${{{x}}_i},{{{S}}^u},{{{S}}^v},{{\tilde{{S}}}^u},{{\tilde{{S}}}^v},T,B$ 输出:${\cal{L}}$ (1) For $t < $T Do (2) 从兴趣点评论中随机选取一个兴趣点的评论矩阵${{{x}}_i}$进行训练, 训练批次大小为${\beta _0}$,每一个批次的大小为$B$,计算训练过程 中的损失${{\cal{L}}_{\rm{cnn}}}$ (3) if $t > $T or ${{\cal{L}}_{\rm{cnn}}}$足够小 (4) end (5) for $t < $T Do (6) 从兴趣点评分中随机选取一个兴趣点的用户-兴趣点对$({\tilde{{s}}}_i^u,{\tilde{{s}}}_i^v)$ 进行训练,训练批次大小为${\beta _1}$,每一个批次的大小为$B$,计算 训练过程中的损失${{\cal{L}}_{\rm{ui}}}$ (7) if $t > $T or ${{\cal{L}}_{\rm{ui}}}$足够小 (8) end (9) 计算最终的损失值${\cal{L}} = {{\cal{L}}_{\rm{cnn}}} + {{\cal{L}}_{\rm{ui}}}$ (10) return ${\cal{L}}$ 表 2 数据集统计
数据统计 LA NYC 用户数量 30,208 47,240 兴趣点数量 142,798 203,765 签到数量(评论) 244,861 388,954 用户-位置矩阵密度 5.68×10–5 4.04×10–5 -
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