Micro-motion Parameters Estimation of Ballistic Targets Based on Wide-band Radar Three Dimensional Interferometry
Abstract:Three dimensional interferometry of wide-band radar can provide crucial information for estimating the micro-motion and geometric parameters of targets. For estimation of the micro-motion parameters via three dimensional interferometry in the case of squint observing mode, an algorithm for micro-motion and geometric parameters based on squint calibration is proposed. The algorithm performs ranging and angle measuring for each antenna receiving echo in an L formation array. Moreover, the squint distortion is calibrated and three dimensional trajectories of scattering centers are obtained via establishing two elements and quadratic nonlinear equations and coordinate transformation. In addition, smoothing filtering and optimization are used to retrieve micro-motion and geometry parameters. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed via extensive experiments.
图 6 文献[12]干涉测量重构3维坐标
表 1 实验锥体目标参数
参数 数值 锥体高度H (m) 0.96 质心到锥顶距离d (m) 0.64 底面半径r (m) 0.25 自旋频率fs (Hz) 2 锥旋频率fz (Hz) 3 进动角θ (°) 10 表 2 雷达系统的主要参数
参数 数值 载频f0 (GHz) 10 带宽B (GHz) 1 脉冲宽度tp (μs) 10 脉冲重复周期prf (Hz) 100 驻留时间T (s) 1 基线长L (m) 200 表 3 曲线估计实验结果相似度(%)
锥顶散射点x 锥顶散射点y 锥顶散射点z 锥底散射点x 锥底散射点y 锥底散射点z 文献[12]干涉测量 68.26 60.42 88.72 62.93 64.91 82.73 斜视校正干涉测量 88.56 90.41 96.59 90.84 91.24 87.28 表 4 目标参数估计结果
进动频率${f_c}\left( {\rm Hz} \right)$ 进动角$\theta \left( {^ \circ } \right)$ 半锥角$\eta \left( {^ \circ } \right)$ 锥体高度$H\left( {\rm m} \right)$ 底面半径$r\left( {\rm m} \right)$ 真实值 3 10.00 14.59 0.96 0.25 平滑处理估计值 3 9.60 15.25 0.95 0.26 未平滑处理估计值 3 12.49 18.17 0.87 0.31 -
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