Action Recognition Based on Multi-model Voting with Cross Layer Fusion
Abstract:To solve the problem of the loss in the motion features during the transmission of deep convolution neural networks and the overfitting of the network model, a cross layer fusion model and a multi-model voting action recognition method are proposed. In the preprocessing stage, the motion information in a video is gathered by the rank pooling method to form approximate dynamic images. Two basic models are presented. One model with two horizontally flipping layers is called " non-fusion model”, and then a fusion structure of the second layer and the fifth layer is added to form a new model named " cross layer fusion model”. The two basic models of " non-fusion model” and " cross layer fusion model” are trained respectively on three different data partitions. The positive and negative sequences of each video are used to generate two approximate dynamic images. So many different classifiers can be obtained by training the two proposed models using different training approximate dynamic images. In testing, the final classification results can be obtained by averaging the results of all these classifiers. Compared with the dynamic image network model, the recognition rate of the non-fusion model and the cross layer fusion model is greatly improved on the UCF101 dataset. The multi-model voting method can effectively alleviate the overfitting of the model, increase the robustness of the algorithm and get better average performance.
表 1 4种不同权重融合模型的平均识别准确度(%)
模型 融合0.50 融合0.25 融合0.20 融合0.10 平均准确度 53.89 63.12 63.94 64.82 表 2 跨层融合模型动作识别准确度(%)
动作类 转呼啦圈 键盘打字 军队行进 弹吉他 掷铁饼 类平均 split1+正序 87.14 80.40 ${\underline{87.14}}$ ${\underline{91.33}}$ ${\underline{77.45}}$ 82.47 split1+反序 ${\underline{86.29}}$ 79.63 87.90 91.65 76.86 82.16 split2+正序 77.28 88.35 86.64 89.29 73.60 ${\underline{83.06}}$ split2+反序 76.66 ${\underline{88.88}}$ 86.27 90.88 71.31 83.87 split3+正序 78.72 89.25 87.02 91.21 78.20 83.03 split3+反序 78.91 86.46 86.99 90.66 76.65 82.79 注:粗体数字代表动作类中识别率最高,带下划线数字代表动作类的识别率次高。 表 3 VADMMR在5类动作上的识别准确度(%)
动作类 转呼啦圈 键盘打字 军队行进 弹吉他 掷铁饼 类平均 VADMMR 83.77 87.43 88.83 91.58 79.83 84.67 -
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