Diversity Gain of Distributed Linear Convolutive Space-time Code on Fast Fading Rayleigh Channels
- 快衰落瑞利信道 /
- 分布式线性卷积空时码 /
- 分集增益
Abstract:In wireless relay networks, random transmission delays among relay nodes will lead to substantial performance degradation, for which delay-tolerant Distributed Linear Convolutive Space-Time Code (DLC-STC) is proposed. However, its diversity gain on fast fading Rayleigh channels is not clear. This paper analyzes the diversity gain of the DLC-STC on fast fading Rayleigh channels. It is shown that the DLC-STC can achieve full asynchronous cooperative diversity order with Maximum Likelihood (ML) receivers on fast fading Rayleigh channels, although it is originally proposed for slow fading channels. The numerical results verify the theoretical analysis and show that MMSE-DFE receivers, can collect the same diversity order as ML receivers on fast fading Rayleigh channels.
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