An Adaptive Directional MAC Protocol for Terahertz Wireless Personal Networks
针对现有太赫兹无线个域网定向MAC协议存在的波束训练开销和入网时延偏大以及Beacon, S-CAP时段时隙利用不足问题,该文提出一种自适应的定向MAC协议——AD-MAC,自适应地在静态场景下采用全网协同波束训练,在动态场景下节点基于历史信息快速回复波束训练帧,同时使用反向监听策略减小同扇区节点的帧碰撞概率,并且通过时隙复用在Beacon和S-CAP时段并行发送控制帧和数据帧。理论分析表明了AD-MAC协议的有效性,仿真结果显示:相较于ENLBT-MAC等典型协议,AD-MAC在静态场景下的波束训练开销和节点平均入网时延分别降低了约21.84%和22.70%,在动态场景下上述二指标则分别减小了约18.7%和13.07%。
Abstract:To reduce the beamforming training cost and network delay, make the best of Beacon and S-CAP sub-period in the existing Terahertz Wireless Personal Access Network (TWPAN) directional MAC protocols, an Adaptive Directional MAC (AD-MAC) protocol for TWPAN is proposed. AD-MAC adaptively uses the entire network cooperative beam training in a static scenario, and makes network nodes quickly respond to beam training frames based on historical information in a dynamic scenario. The reverse listening strategy is used to reduce the collision probability of same sector nodes. The control frame and data frame are transmitted simultaneously in the Beacon and S-CAP slot using time-slot reuse. Theoretical analysis verifies the effectiveness of AD-MAC. Also, simulation results show that, comparing with ENLBT-MAC, AD-MAC reduces about 21.84% of beamforming training cost and 22.70% of the average network delay in static scene, and reduces about 18.7% of beamforming training cost and 13.07% of the average network delay in dynamic scene.
Key words:
- Wireless personal access networks /
- Terahertz /
- MAC protocols /
- Orientation
表 1 公共仿真参数
参数(单位) 数值 节点数目(个) 4,7,10,13,16 波束宽度(°) 5 传输速率(Gbps) 10 收发端距离(m) 10 仿真时间(s) 10 超帧周期(ms) 10 节点缓存(Mb) 10 发包间隔(ms) 0.08 数据帧长(bit) 64000 -
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