Fast Cross-range Scaling for ISAR Imaging Based on Pseudo Polar Fourier Transform
- 逆合成孔径雷达 /
- 旋转角速度 /
- 伪逆极坐标快速傅里叶变换 /
- 二分法
Abstract:For the Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) imaging, the ISAR image obtained by the Range-Doppler (RD) or time-frequency analysis methods can not display the target's real shape due to its azimuth relating to the target Doppler frequency, thus the cross-range scaling is required for ISAR image. In this paper, a fast cross-range scaling method for ISAR is proposed to estimate the Rotational Angular Velocity (RAV). Firstly, the proposed method utilizes efficient Pseudo Polar Fast Fourier Transform (PPFFT) to transform the rotational motion of two ISAR images from two different instant time into translation in the polar angle direction. Then, a new cost function called integrated correction is defined to obtain the RAV coarse estimation. Finally, the optimal RAV can be estimated using the Bisection method to realize the cross-range scaling. Compared with the available algorithms, the proposed method avoids the problems of precision loss and high computational complexity caused by interpolation operation. The results of computer simulation and real data experiments are provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
表 1 雷达参数和目标运动模型
参数 数值 载波频率 5.6 GHz 波长 0.0536 m 传输信号带宽 400 MHz 距离采样频率 512 MHz 脉冲重复频率 150 Hz 有效回波脉冲 600 旋转角速度 0.0436 rad/s 表 2 两种方法运行时间对比(s)
方法名称 粗估所用时间 定标总时间 文献[11]方法 107.224 958.659 本文方法 12.203 96.712 -
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