A Hyperspectral Imagery Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Cokurtosis Tensor
Abstract:The abnormal pixels in hyperspectral images are often have the characteristics of low probability and scattered outside the background data cloud. How to automatically detect these abnormal pixels is an important research direction in hyperspectral imagery processing. Classical hyperspectral anomaly detection methods are usually based on statistical perspective. The RXD algorithm which is widely used can give the anomalies distribution directly through the second order statistical feature of the image, but the disadvantage is that it does not take into account the higher order statistics of the image. Anomaly detection algorithm based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) considers the sensitivity of higher order statistics to outliers, but it needs iteration process to extract abnormal components first. And then the extracted components is used for anomaly detection. A method based on cokurtosis tensor for anomaly detection is proposed. This method does not need to extract anomaly components first. It can directly detect the observed pixels and give the distribution of abnormal pixels. Experiments results on both simulated and real data show that it can detect abnormal pixels while suppressing the background information better. Therefore, it can reduce false alarm rate and improve detection accuracy.
Key words:
- Hyperspectral imagery /
- Anomaly detection /
- Higher-order statistical /
- Cokurtosis tensor
表 1 4种异常检测算法的AUC
算法 AUC COKD 0.9997 RXD 0.9934 COSD 0.9996 KPCA-RXD 0.9936 表 2 4种异常检测算法的AUC
算法 AUC COKD 0.9832 RXD 0.9779 COSD 0.9830 KPCA-RXD 0.9778 -
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