Application of Residual Network to Infant Crying Recognition
Abstract:The deep learning model based on the residual network and the spectrogram is used to recognize infant crying. The corpus has balanced proportion of infant crying and non-crying samples. Finally, through the 5-fold cross validation, compared with three models of Support Vector Machine (SVM), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the cochleagram residual network based on Gammatone filters (GT-Resnet), the spectrogram based residual network gets the best F1-score of 0.9965 and satisfies requirements of real time. It is proved that the spectrogram can react acoustics features intuitively and comprehensively in the recognition of infant crying. The residual network based on spectrogram is a good solution to infant crying recognition problem.
Key words:
- Infant crying recognition /
- Deep learning /
- Residual network /
- Spectrogram
表 1 五折交叉验证数据集平均规模(条)
婴幼儿哭声 非哭声 总计 训练集规模 1243 1148 2391 测试集规模 310 286 596 表 2 SVM实验特征提取
提取特征类型 统计处理方法 维数 MFCC及其1阶2阶差分 均值、方差 72 短时能量 均值、方差 2 基音频率 均值、方差、最大值、最小值、极差 5 表 3 SVM不同核函数性能比较
核函数类型 F1-score 参数 线性核函数 0.8717 c=0.68 多项式核函数 0.9316 c=0.30, g=0.35, r=–0.20, d=3.00 高斯核函数 0.9458 c=0.98, g=1.71 Sigmod核函数 0.8874 c=5.00, g=0.04, r=1.80 表 4 不同层数CNN性能对比
CNN模型 输入特征 F1-score CNN-4-MEL 40×128Mel语谱图 0.9184 CNN-4-227 227×227语谱图 0.9233 CNN-4 128×128语谱图 0.9229 CNN-5-227 227×227语谱图 0.9482 CNN-5 128×128语谱图 0.9489 CNN-6 128×128语谱图 0.9365 CNN-7 128×128语谱图 0.9398 表 5 模型性能对比
模型 网络结构 输入特征 生成模型大小(MB) 平均测试时间(s) F1-score SVM 单层网络 统计特征 0.7 0.0910+0.0001 0.9458 CNN-5 4conv+1fc 语谱图 10 0.1251+0.0093 0.9489 Resnet15 3resblock+1fc 语谱图 48 0.1251+0.0281 0.9836 Resnet19 4resblock+1fc 语谱图 87 0.1251+0.0315 0.9965 Resnet27 6resblock+1fc 语谱图 171 0.1251+0.0355 0.9965 GT-Resnet15 3resblock+1fc 听觉谱 48 0.1933+0.0218 0.9803 GT-Resnet19 4resblock+1fc 听觉谱 87 0.1933+0.0237 0.9782 GT-Resnet27 6resblock+1fc 听觉谱 171 0.1933+0.0285 0.9719 注:平均测试时间=特征提取时间+模型预测时间 -
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