Consistency Enhancement Quality Assessment Criterion in Confidence Interval for Image Set
Abstract:When evaluating the enhancement quality of a whole image set, the existing average score criterion varies inconsistently with different image sets and produces a large evaluation quality fluctuation. Therefore, this paper proposes a consistency enhancement quality assessment criterion in confidence interval for any image set. By setting application parameters and using confidence interval to screen data, the proposed criterion compares the quality score difference before and after enhancing each image, and evaluates the consistency of image quality enhancement, and then calculates the effective value of consistency enhancement quality scores. Among many image enhancement algorithms, the proposed criterion can select the high-reliability enhancement algorithm for a specific application. The experimental results show that the proposed criterion has good subjective and objective consistency and outperforms the existing average score criterion, which provides an evaluation criterion for those image enhancement algorithms applied to any image set.
Key words:
- Image enhancement /
- Image set /
- Quality assessment /
- Consistency enhancement /
- Confidence interval
表 1 熵值的平均分数对比
表 2 平均准则的平均值与CEQA准则的
${\rm{CEQ}}{{\rm{A}}_{{\rm{eff}}}}$ 值的对比(在UCIQE方法下) -
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