Robust Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Artificial Noise-aided for Heterogeneous Networks with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Abstract:When the Channel State Information (CSI) is not accurate in heterogeneous networks with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer, to guarantee the security and reliability of information and energy transfer simultaneously, a robust secure transmission scheme based on Artificial Noise (AN)-aided is proposed. Through jointly designing the downlink information beamforming and AN matrix of macrocell base station and femtocell base stations, the potential eavesdroppers will be jammed, and the energy harvesting performance of system can be improved. To obtain the optimal designs, the problem of maximizing the energy harvesting performance of system is modeled under the base station power limit and the outage probability limits of information transfer, energy transfer and confidential information eavesdropped. This modeled problem is non-convex. To address the problem, it is transformed into an equivalent form, which can be processed easily. Then, the Bernstein-type inequality is utilized to deal with the outage probability limits, and it is transformed into a convex problem. Simulation results validate the security and the robustness of the proposed scheme.
表 1 基于人工噪声辅助的鲁棒安全传输算法
初始化:设置 $j = 0$ ,最大迭代次数$g$ ,并随机生成可以满足式 (24)问题可行解约束的$\mathop {{{w}_m}}\limits^ \simeq {\rm{(}}j{\rm{)}}$ ,$\mathop {{{w}_{nk}}}\limits^ \simeq {\rm{(}}j{\rm{)}}$ ;循环: 步骤 1 将 $\mathop {{{w}_m}}\limits^ \simeq {\rm{(}}j{\rm{)}}$ ,$\mathop {{{w}_{nk}}}\limits^ \approx {\rm{(}}j{\rm{)}}$ 代入式(24)问题中求解,获得相应的 解${w}_m^ * $ ,${w}_{nk}^ * $ ;步骤 2 更新: $j = j + 1$ ;步骤 3 令 $\mathop {{{w}_m}}\limits^ \simeq {\rm{(}}j{\rm{) = }}{w}_m^ * $ ,$\mathop {{{w}_{nk}}}\limits^ \simeq {\rm{(}}j{\rm{) = }}{w}_{nk}^ * $ ;终止:直至收敛或达到最大迭代次数 $g$ ;输出:最优的 ${w}_m^ * $ ,${w}_{nk}^ * $ ,${Z}_0^ * $ ,${Z}_n^ * $ ,及系统能量接收性能值$t$ 。 -
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