New Privacy Preserving Aggregate Signcryption for Heterogeneous Systems
摘要: 异构聚合签密方案不仅可以保证异构密码系统之间数据的机密性和不可伪造性,而且可以提供多个密文批量验证。该文分析了一个具有隐私保护功能的异构聚合签密方案的安全性,指出该方案不能抵挡恶意密钥生成中心(KGC)攻击,恶意KGC可以伪造有效的单密文和聚合密文。为了提高原方案的安全性,该文提出一种新的具有隐私保护功能的异构聚合签密方案。该方案克服了原方案存在的安全性问题,实现了无证书密码环境到身份密码环境之间的数据安全传输,在随机预言机模型下证明新方案的安全性。效率分析表明新方案与原方案效率相当。Abstract: The privacy preserving aggregate signcryption for heterogeneous systems can ensure the confidentiality and unforgeability of the data between heterogeneous cryptosystems, it also can provide multi-ciphertext batch verification. This paper analyzes the security of a scheme with privacy-preserving aggregate signcryption heterogeneous, and points out that the scheme can not resist the attack of malicious Key Generating Center (KGC), it can forge a valid ciphertext. In order to improve the security of the original scheme, a new heterogeneous aggregation signature scheme with privacy protection function is proposed.The new scheme overcomes the security problems existing in the original scheme and ensures the data transmission between the certificateless public key cryptography and the identity-based public key cryptographic, and the security of the new scheme is proved under the random oracle model. Efficiency analysis shows that the new program is equivalent to the original one.
表 1 基本运算耗费的时间(ms)
${T_{{\rm{add}}}}$ ${T_{{\rm{pm}}}}$ ${T_p}$ ${T_H}$ ${T_h}$ 0.023 3.382 3.711 6.720 1.024 表 2 签密方案效率比较
方案 签密 解签密 安全性 Niu方案 $(2n + 5){T_{{\rm{pm}}}} + {T_p} + 2{T_H}+ {T_h}$ $ + (n + 3){T_{{\rm{add}}}} \ge 41.849$ $n{T_{{\rm{pm}}}} + 5{T_p} + 3{T_H} + {T_h}$ $ + (n + 1){T_{{\rm{add}}}} \ge 42.143$ 低 本文方案 $(2n + 5){T_{{\rm{pm}}}} + {T_p} + {\rm{3}}{T_H} + {T_h}$ $ + (n + 3){T_{{\rm{add}}}} \ge 48.569$ $n{T_{{\rm{pm}}}} + 5{T_p} + 3{T_H} + {T_h}$ $ + (n + 1){T_{{\rm{add}}}} \ge 42.143$ 高 -
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